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beaghost 15 jun @ 16:22 
[6:59 PM]beaghost: it was literally so cheap like what have i been doing my whole life you know the way its supposed to be

beaghost: yep my burritos were so cheap because i FORGOT the potatoes
beaghost 8 jun @ 8:01 
CRINGE-ineer Gaming : and what does she main again? engineer?
Eagle 1 jun @ 17:18 
beaghost: its a bottom thing
AceCupCake♡ 28 maj @ 20:27 
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beaghost 18 maj @ 17:51 
BuzzyBoo : well hippo not on my team, time to bid farewell!
BuzzyBoo left the game (Client Disconnect)
Eagle 18 maj @ 10:30 
‍‍⁠‍⁠‍Reign Fall​‍​‌​ : ​‍‌​they kicked hippo for being a women​‌‍‍⁠‌​⁠⁠