fondler of the penile
James "The mum of the group" Aldridge   Marshall Islands
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Erik 1 DIC 2022 a las 6:35 
For everyone reading this…

Remember the old west? Snake Oil, wonder drugs cures everything… that’s the level of stupid this is on.

This ranks with Aliens at Roswell, Cold Fusion, Jeffery Epstein killing himself… do I need to go on?

As a double degreed engineer let me give everyone some simple things to make you doubt this and hopefully save yourself some money.

There have always been scams. Even sophisticated scams. This one is organized and sophisticated but still deceptive and if anyone from this business says otherwise, I call it bad!

Let’s have the legal department present to explain how class action lawsuits can be filed against fraud.
Erik 26 AGO 2022 a las 6:05 
oengu 26 AGO 2022 a las 6:05 
oengu 5 AGO 2022 a las 14:09 
You live in your fantasy world and all of the other fantasy worlds like you, and you will always stay there in your fantasy worlds. You can't be a part of the real world. It is just you, and your fantasy worlds. The real world is the real world, and this is where we live. We don't need any fantasies, fantasies like you are not a part of the real world. We don't live in your fantasy world.
Erik 5 AGO 2022 a las 14:03 
You are just the type of people who would do wrong, just to make a point. That's you in a nutshell. That's what you guys are like. And that's all you can ever be. Go on with your life in your fantasy world, but not on the world of real people, because your world of fantasies is not a good enough world for real people like the rest of us to be in. Go on with your fantasies, and stay in your fantasy world.You are the fantasies, and we are real, so your fantasy world is not a reality at all. We don't live in your fantasy world, you live in your fantasy world. You think we live in our fantasy world? We live in reality. And you are not real.
Erik 5 AGO 2022 a las 14:02 
You guys are such a bunch of racist nazis. Honestly. I think you should stop being such a bunch of racists nazis and not be such racists nazis. Just grow up, shut your mouths and become normal like the rest of the world. You are not all that great, you are a bunch of racists nazis. You don't live in a dream world at all. You all live in a fantasy world of your own. Just go on with your dream world, and don't expect too much from the rest of us in the real world. We have real things to worry about, and we don't really need you guys. I don't think you are right in the head, or are a good person.