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Получено 0 из 31 (0%) достижений:
Личные достижения

Welcome to Iona

Fall in the well


Earn Lv5


Earn Lv15


Earn Lv30

Mine! All mine!!

Hold 50k IoCoins

Blue Ionix

Find and Equip the blue set

Orange Ionix

Find and Equip the orange set

Green Ionix

Find and Equip the green set

Red Ionix

Find and Equip the red set

Yellow Ionix

Find and Equip the yellow set

Meet Mayor in Level1

Meet the Mayor from the Community of the Well

Meet Destiny's son

Meet a dog

Meet Garold

Meet your spouse

Meet Mayor in Level2

Meet the Mayor from the Stockades

Meet the Inventor

Meet Emma

Meet Madam Djolet

Meet Nerlwin

Meet Treabar

Meet Gelbrig

Meet the Handicaped Mole

Meet the Veteran

Meet LocoLoca


Скрытых достижений осталось: 6

Информация о каждом достижении будет доступна после его получения