papa shoobs
shoobie   United States
Trully, trully, salty....:steamsalty:
Sin conexión
reggie 4 SEP 2022 a las 21:22 
this is papa shoobs he is a researcher he play only for science
VentingAbyss236 27 ABR 2022 a las 13:20 
Yo Shoob ma boy, if you want gnarly taint pics, the redditor below me has the hook up.
Bone Daddy 7 FEB 2022 a las 21:44 
After a good game in csgo, i added him because he seemed like a cool guy. We got chatting, over the next couple of months we became good friends. Lots of banter, lots of great CS and most importantly true friendship.
I invited him to my house for a csgo lan party. He said he was coming so i was looking forward to meeting him in real life.
When he arrived at my house, he pushed me against the wall and started nibbling my ear, i felt his hard ♥♥♥♥ push against my leg. I punched him and then ran away as fast as i could. Turns out he was gay. Don't trust this guy. -rep
reggie 14 ENE 2022 a las 9:10 
i he plays these games for RESEARCH PURPOSES ONLY
FlowingBoat220 15 DIC 2021 a las 12:56 
After a good game in csgo, i added him because he seemed like a cool guy. We got chatting, over the next couple of months we became good friends. Lots of banter, lots of great CS and most importantly true friendship.
I invited him to my house for a csgo lan party. He said he was coming so i was looking forward to meeting him in real life.
When he arrived at my house, he pushed me against the wall and started nibbling my ear, i felt his hard ♥♥♥♥ push against my leg. I punched him and then ran away as fast as i could. Turns out he was gay. Don't trust this guy.
FlowingBoat220 8 MAR 2021 a las 13:27 
━━━━━┓  \  ┃You have been visited
 / \  ┃  /  ┃
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     \┃/    ┃
┏━━━━(♥♥♥)━━━━┛By the windmill
┃    /┃ \
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┃ /   ┃   \/
┃ \   ┗━━━━━ Of friendship :exalted: