Trident 18.6. klo 15.48 
Thanks, I might even send a friend request.
Blax_Mind 18.6. klo 15.47 
+rep cool man
Trident 9.6. klo 9.28 
I don't know what that is.
AwesomeSause 9.6. klo 8.17 
Are you a steam city person??
Trident 15.5. klo 6.48 
@Buckbroken, You're comments tested my patience, so they had to be removed, sorry.
Trident 17.4. klo 8.47 
Alright, silent treatment it is.
Trident 17.4. klo 8.32 
The question is, Why are you here?
kikimora 17.4. klo 7.49 
how much does the JIDF pay you
Danny 12.4. klo 17.39 
Laughable, innit. ☕🇬🇧
Trident 11.4. klo 18.09 
Now stay away and don't expect me to leave this hour.
Trident 11.4. klo 17.58 
Why are you suddenly making insults about me? This is -NOT funny.
Hero 11.4. klo 17.45 
Hero 11.4. klo 17.44 
Beware everyone, there is a gaypist by the name Korbin Kyle and he's deleting his comments to cover his tracks, his steam name is Dreadnought which he will likely change, he's trying to turn more innocent people into gaypists, stay away from this delusional man and stay safe.
Trident 11.4. klo 17.37 
I'm giving you one chance to stay off. Leave the alone. and no, I am -NOT- attracted at all.
Hero 11.4. klo 16.56 
Beware everyone, there is a gaypist by the name Korbin Kyle and he's deleting his comments to cover his tracks, his steam name is Dreadnought which he will likely change, he's trying to turn more innocent people into gaypists, stay away from this delusional man and stay safe.
Trident 8.4. klo 13.22 
------------Today's Random Metaphor!-----------
Cold War Boy + Rapid Mobility Suit = Conventional Warfare +
Which I modified Tracer's original accelerator +
Tachyon Particles
All this = "Supersonic Human Fortress"

I believe this is what you get if you give a giant cannon warp capabilities.
ᗜˬᗜ Okuu ᗜˬᗜ 1.4. klo 9.47 
Thanks for adding me have a good day
ᗜˬᗜ Okuu ᗜˬᗜ 1.4. klo 9.45 
If that guy ever bother u just tell me I will get the ♥♥♥♥♥♥ off of I
ᗜˬᗜ Okuu ᗜˬᗜ 1.4. klo 9.42 
Trident 1.4. klo 9.38 
Well, there goes another potential friend.
Trident 1.4. klo 9.36 
You should look on page 4 to 3.
ᗜˬᗜ Okuu ᗜˬᗜ 1.4. klo 9.35 
I think the most funny is that guy called me a Loser XD
Trident 1.4. klo 9.34 
Accepted as a promise.
ᗜˬᗜ Okuu ᗜˬᗜ 1.4. klo 9.33 
Yeah, as a guy I would like to give a apology because that guy makes the all men look so bad lol
Trident 1.4. klo 9.28 
True to be honest, I can't say such a thing doesn't happen to everyone.
Danny 1.4. klo 8.17 
Of course he was, he doesn't have anything better to do.
Probably so desperate to get laid he's projecting his insecurities onto others, calling them incels and stuff like that.

It is pretty laughable, as he clearly has no life and his father probably left a long time ago. :story:
Trident 1.4. klo 8.06 
Thanks, He was here as well.
Danny 1.4. klo 8.03 
Hey, I seen you arguing with that idiotic simp on his profile.
Respect yourself and don't waste your energy on cockroaches like him. :D
Trident 28.3. klo 8.48 
No problem.
Helvetica 28.3. klo 8.42 
woah! thanks for the heads up, kind stranger! I can't afford reddit gold so here's a reddit silver instead 🥈🥈🥈
Trident 22.2. klo 18.16 
:junoEeh: It is
Trident 22.2. klo 11.42 
I better hope that was honesty because I had a lot of people troll my pronouns lately.
i am nyanbinary :mbnyufufu:
Trident 17.2. klo 20.52 
You're just that racist. I'd rather not see you on my profile making fun of me yet, here you are. insulting a Nonbinary by trying to be so lawful and racist.

No, I don't identify as a male or a female, Get lost!
Woman Protector 17.2. klo 20.40 
So you're obviously a male, just call yourself a male. Imagine going up to people in real life telling them to call you a "they" as a nearly 24 year old grown adult man
Trident 17.2. klo 20.22 
My pronouns you idiot!
Woman Protector 17.2. klo 14.33 

Excuse me? What the ♥♥♥♥ is that?
Trident 14.2. klo 17.19 
Myth05 14.2. klo 17.17 