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12 van de 12 (100%) prestaties behaald:
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Read the story within the story.

Secret of the scene 1
Ontgrendeld op 8 nov 2023 om 21:22

Listen to the breath from the depths.

Secret of the scene 2
Ontgrendeld op 8 nov 2023 om 21:30

Observe the distant glow.

Secret of the scene 3
Ontgrendeld op 8 nov 2023 om 21:31

Get lost in the forest maze.

Secret of the scene 4
Ontgrendeld op 8 nov 2023 om 21:33

Notice a bridge that isn't there yet.

Secret of the scene 5
Ontgrendeld op 8 nov 2023 om 21:34

Find a window in the shelter.

Secret of the scene 6
Ontgrendeld op 8 nov 2023 om 21:36

Be careful of the explosive danger.

Secret of the scene 7
Ontgrendeld op 8 nov 2023 om 21:39

Look at the wound on the ground.

Secret of the scene 8
Ontgrendeld op 8 nov 2023 om 21:40

Read the fear message.

Secret of the scene 9
Ontgrendeld op 8 nov 2023 om 21:41

Try to reopen the cave.

Secret of the scene 10
Ontgrendeld op 8 nov 2023 om 21:47

Find an icy grotto.

Secret of the scene 11
Ontgrendeld op 8 nov 2023 om 21:56

Find the river of magma.

Secret of the scene 12
Ontgrendeld op 8 nov 2023 om 21:57