Get Some Pork On Your Fork
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Utvald konstmonter
Kick Time!!
*DEAD* x32 #freex32 : pedo
*DEAD* x32 #freex32 : ur a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ fat ♥♥♥♥

Emsy ♥ left the game (Client Disconnect)
(Voice) Get Some Pork On Your Fork: Go Left
(Voice) Get Some Pork On Your Fork: Go Left
Wojak left the game (Client Disconnect)
☾✶ Crack’wah : n'awww
☾✶ Crack’wah left the game (Client Disconnect)

Freaky Justin : shut up ♥♥♥

*DEAD* (TEAM) Lord Headass : get some pork u are a ass
Lord Headass left the game (Client Disconnect)
Get Some Pork On Your Fork 18 sep @ 10:12 
Gear grinder aimbot sniper
❤️El BaCzU❤ : yes i cheat y
❤️El BaCzU❤ : you ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ dumb ♥♥♥♥♥
Felicia ♥ 9 sep @ 7:15 
Kicking people on the last tour huh? What a wimpy ass
Sly Rocko 4 sep @ 6:53 
being polite doesn't absolve you from being a bigot :)
I wanted to rebrand and be nice etc but then some agp started being arrogant again so i 57:6d him and 30:5d him respectively. Remind me to never forgive troons.
Sulu 4 sep @ 6:29 
still in there rent free? lmao didn't take you as one to delete comments either
- xXdinorabbitXx - 12 aug @ 1:53 
If that's what you call us casuals, then ok! No hard feelings (well, for me and my homie anyway idk bout you)