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Asian-Canadian [BC]
If I don't know you; I'm never gonna chat with you, don't bother bub
I'm cyber baby tipsy at a space bar
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✪24drawoH 13 mai à 22h08 
that POV in cs is why you aint hittin shots my friend +rep
Lenzi 25 janv. à 3h56 
cringe ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
SethOnMeth 10 janv. à 0h28 
W Gamer
halloween 2 janv. à 12h33 
Happy New Year :terraria:
halloween 25 déc. 2023 à 11h40 
Merry Christmas :3
Mo 18 déc. 2023 à 4h06 
worst player ive ever playe dwith