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2190 day(s) since last ban
mennez Jun 10, 2022 @ 6:43am 
My son posted on your comment page a few years ago and just want to let you know what you caused. since you nibbled his ear, he succumbed to major anxiety attacks and had to go see a shrink for months. That shrink ain't cheap you know, 400 bucks a sesh. It didn't help him though, he's now in a mental asylum because of you. I had to get him lobotomised just so i could shut him up. My sweet little boy is now a veggie and you're to blame. I require compensation.

You can fix your past mistakes by giving me 5000 V-bucks. My fortnite username is: Xx_DontBlockTheCock_xX.

If you don't sent me the money within 48 hours i will send my son to come 'get' you, and nibble on your ♥♥♥♥♥♥ ear. Since the lobotomy i have trained him like a dog and through the art of different whistle frequencies have turned him into a killing machine.

As my mother once said: "Times running out you piece of ♥♥♥♥ degenerate ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥, gimme some cheddar or someones gonna be deader."

shun dun Jun 24, 2020 @ 5:26am 
♥♥♥♥ you
AnaI Prolapse Suffocation Apr 20, 2018 @ 12:31am 
oh ye real sad low lives especially if said games are ♥♥♥♥ like warframe
AnaI Prolapse Suffocation Apr 18, 2018 @ 9:19pm 
Do you seriously spend over 40 hours (not minutes) a week playing video games? Can't tell if you're joking. If not then... wow. The only game I could play for 40 hours is nfl 18 and that's because I enjoy kicking other people's asses (I have a natural instinct for strategy games and high-level thinking). But I can't because I'm an adult unlike y'all I presume. Damn high school was fun :/ minus the detentions for picking on the nerds, haha
AnaI Prolapse Suffocation Mar 9, 2018 @ 3:53pm 
why the ♥♥♥♥ are you cyberbullying me dude, honestly whats your issue. i just come to csgo to enjoy myself and try to escape the constant harassment i face every single day and then you have the nerve to come onto my profile and write ♥♥♥♥ like that. honestly what the ♥♥♥♥ would inspire someone to say something like that, i can't even fathom what kind of abuse you must've faced in order to think that unwarrented comment was even remotely okay. whenever i show up to class and sit down everyone starts laughing and touching me and ♥♥♥♥ and its just so ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ frustrating. i'm wearing a hoodie and everything trying to blend in and people just won't leave me be. at least on the internet no one can tell that i'm a dog and give me ♥♥♥♥ for it, but you've somehow still managed to ruin my day. thanks a lot bud
AnaI Prolapse Suffocation Jan 31, 2018 @ 2:56am 
After a good game in csgo, i added him because he seemed like a cool guy. We got chatting, over the next couple of months we became good friends. Lots of banter, lots of great CS and most importantly true friendship.
I invited him to my house for a csgo lan party. He said he was coming so i was looking forward to meeting him in real life.
When he arrived at my house, he pushed me against the wall and started nibbling my ear, i felt his hard ♥♥♥♥ push against my leg. I punched him and then 1 tapped him. Turns out he was gay. Don't trust this guy.