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Recente recensies door TheOnlyMann

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58.9 uur in totaal
Sony should just retire
Geplaatst 10 mei.
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1,767.0 uur in totaal (83.1 uur op moment van beoordeling)
Objectively fun gameplay ruined by objectively terrible grinding measures

after playing it for 8 days straight with 10 hours each day to grind for a singular weapon i want, well 3 of them, I can safely make this review about this terrible game with good gameplay aspects in more ways than one.

Gameplay: great
typical fatshark taste but more of a gunnery taste to it, which is different from vermintide 2 but it fits well within what we expect and is fun upon it, although the tiredness is increased due to the addition of daemonhost, and high-intensity missions just being a spamfest more than anything else.

Gameplay: bad
now to get to the ♥♥♥♥ part of the pie, like typical fatshark, it has rotten bits. problem is I think they somehow did it worse than in previous attempts. I will try to describe this best i can while in a 5am brain after playing this game and deciding its not worth my time.

1. RNGfest
the whole mechanism of the weapon aquisition is just RNG after another RNG and even more RNG on top of that, not including the RNG that is determining the resources needed for said aquisition.
unlike in vermintide 2, your weapons doesnt have a "maxed-out" state, instead you get "close to max" weapons and thats all you get. with brunt(the game's default weapons store) only giving out level-1 perks, the main way of getting your good weapon is by stockpiling white weapons(which they sell infinite at the store), grab the best one that you got, statwise, and then upgrade it to the weapon you want to have. this stat is bound to the weapon, and cannot be changed, so you'd be lucky to get a weapon that has all the important stats on the upper-70% region, and not something like in the low-20%s making the weapon unusable by just a singular flaw(remember that the weapon sells for 1/10th most of the time making you grind more money in order to have a chance at getting a good base stat)

2. consecrating
the only way to upgrade your weapon is by spending plasteel and amandantium to hadron, and then upgrading it by tier by tier. this gets you total of 2 traits and 2 blessings, totaling to 4. problem is, you have zero influence on what hadron gives to that weapon. even if the stat is just PERFECT, she can ruin your day by just putting in dumb traits, useless blessings, and overall just trolling your money down the drain. then again thats what techpriests do innit

3.re-blessing and the whole "2 slot limit" mechanic
you can remedy this by reapplying traits and re-blessing the blessings that you have extracted from other weapons. only saving grace from this is that traits are unlocked for free and blessings, once they get unlocked, stays unlocked for the weapon type that you own. at the very least. however, blessings you have to unlock by sacrificing a weapon that has that blessing, and you can only do it to 1 blessing out of 2. this is fine, but the problem is this: said blessing can appear multiple times from consecrating, even after extraction, and thus making a blessing that you want to get just a pain to get from the start to the finish(as the RNG stays the same). as well as this, there are levels to the blessing, which isnt interchangable but one is a direct upgrade over another, making the "lower" leveled blessings less perferable to get. this would be justified as just another RNG if it wernt for the obnoxious ways of applying them, the 2 slot limit. there is total of 4 slots on a given weapon. 2 traits, and 2 blessings. you can only change 2 slots of a given weapon. this provides a constraint on a already constrained RNG-infested weapon system, and makes a weapon cannot be repurposed foro hter means by switchig out traits and blessings. you need to try your luck to HOPE to get a similar-leveled weapon from the store. sunk-cost policy just gets here and makes you wanna just uuse the first ever weapon you made into the perfect weapon you wanted. its the oposite of a players gilding the weapons onto them, makes the player stick to 'a' weapon instead. while playstyle involving that specific weapon, mostly cause all other weapons, that is required on specific playstyles, impossible cause its less effective than the current one you have, and even less fun at that(since some weapon combinations rely heavily on the traits and blessings you have). this just gathers up to the problem of darktide in general

4. grind for the grind god
while some weapons do share a blessings(usually the same "type" of weapons such as normal autogun series, braced autogun series, lasguns, etc, different weapons dont share a blessing. this means when you want to try out a different weapon, you need to start from scratch.
if you want to try out a different class, you need to start from scratch.
if you want to try out a different build for a same weapon, you need to start from scratch.
if you want to try out something different than this ♥♥♥♥-ass grinding, just playing the game is an option. until you cant, cause the build that you are carrying feels like a burden rather than a build that you have made and what you enjoy. the road to reletive sucess exists- but its too slow, too rigid, too clunky and too absolutely, in every circumstances ,trash. the gameplay is good, but the tools to enjoy said gameplay is locked behind excessive amounts of grinding that you will only scratch the surface of when you get bored of this game(well, you wont, but you wont want to carry around that burden for so long, i know i dont want it.)- and there is zero solution to this. at least in vermintide, the developer's latest hits, there was a option called "red weapons"- veteran weapons, which have their stats maxed out at all times- coupled with the infinite retries you get in vermintide to get the right trait you want, it's an easy road, as long as you got an red weapon to use.
I'm not saying vermintide had strictly better grind aspect. no, it was a hell of its own. nut, at least the ease of management after getting one was enough for it's existance- and people who play vermintide 2 can switch these traits, while bound by RNG, do infinite times with less farming to do, to get them to what they want. with how rigid and clunky the weapon system in darktide feels like, i cannot recommend this game to anyone but the best masochists out there. it is a tough nut to crack, but the each nut cover has a puzzle that you need to solve, individually, in order to do anything to the delicious stuff inside. its just terrible.
Geplaatst 13 januari.
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84.2 uur in totaal (24.6 uur op moment van beoordeling)
Geplaatst 26 april 2020.
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