Speeltijd afgelopen 2 weken:

Algemene prestatiestatistieken weergeven
Je moet zijn aangemeld om deze statistieken met die van jezelf te vergelijken
0 of 24 (0%) Prestaties behaald::

Persoonlijke prestaties

Acceleration of SUGURI 2

Complete all achievements

Going Faster

Complete Suguri campaign on Normal or higher

Cute Is Justice

Complete Saki campaign on Normal or higher


Complete Iru campaign on Normal or higher

Bit by Bit

Complete Nanako campaign on Normal or higher


Complete Kae campaign on Normal or higher

Cold Attitude

Complete Kyoko campaign on Normal or higher


Complete Hime campaign on Normal or higher

Blue Skies

Complete Sora campaign on Normal or higher

No Regrets

Complete Alte campaign on Normal or higher

A Lot of Rocks

Complete Tsih campaign on Normal or higher

The Sign of a Hero

Complete Mira campaign on Normal or higher


Complete Sham campaign on Normal or higher

A Peaceful World

Complete Nath campaign on Normal or higher

Relic of an Era

Complete Star Breaker campaign on Normal or higher


Unlock Sumika

A Scenic View

Unlock all BGM & Stages


Finish Arcade or Story mode without continues or retry


Win a round against a normal or higher CPU without taking damage

Shield Breaker

Break an enemy Shield

Combo Master

Perform a combo with at least 4000 damage against a normal or higher CPU or another player

Road of Champions

Play 100 games
0 / 100

Keeping It Cool

Win a round against a normal or higher CPU without going over 100% Heat

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