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Tilastojen vertailu omiisi vaatii kirjautumista
15/15 (100%) saavutuksista avattu:
Henkilökohtaiset saavutukset

Full House

Gather the team of all 4 characters
Avattu 13.9.2020 klo 10.35


Visit all the locations on the World Map
Avattu 14.9.2020 klo 10.53

Great Mage

Avattu 15.9.2020 klo 8.25

Excalibur Hunter

Find the unique Excalibur sword
Avattu 16.9.2020 klo 8.55

Loyal Reader

Go through the whole game and find out the final of the story
Avattu 16.9.2020 klo 10.09

Pure love

Fall in love with Guinevere
Avattu 13.9.2020 klo 1.52

Idol of the elves

To present Idril with something very important
Avattu 14.9.2020 klo 9.00


Kill the boss in a Spiders Crypt
Avattu 13.9.2020 klo 6.01

Willy-Nilly Knight

Complete first Siegfried's task
Avattu 12.9.2020 klo 7.32

Bob and Whiskey

Fuel up Bob's still
Avattu 12.9.2020 klo 10.07


Kill the wolf leader
Avattu 13.9.2020 klo 5.25

Dungeon storm

Destroy all the bosses in the Castoff Dungeon
Avattu 13.9.2020 klo 7.35

Saviour of the children

Help the little girl to go back home
Avattu 13.9.2020 klo 10.35

Eternal love

Finish one of the love story lines
Avattu 14.9.2020 klo 11.07

The Secret Enemy

Find out who is Arthur's true enemy and the root of all evil
Avattu 14.9.2020 klo 11.27