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If you had a good trade expirence with me....

And if not....

ifoundurvibe Jun 5 @ 11:50am 
leaves like a ♥♥♥♥♥
Пися May 3 @ 12:04pm 
-rep сын ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ в игру зайди
Yeesh Mar 28 @ 7:35pm 
-rep leaves premiers when he sucks
NickO2 Feb 7 @ 6:23pm 
A rat
ParkLinkerlol Jan 24 @ 9:33pm 
OhDallazz Jun 10, 2017 @ 1:02pm 
Hey man I know this is prob annoying but I just lost my $300 from betting, it's been hard for me man I was just trying to get myself to a place where I could buy my dream knife and it just went downhill, it would honestly mean the entire world if you could help me out just a tiny bit! I'm sorry if this annoyed you...