San Rafael, California, United States
while I would love to write something here I simply don't know what to write here. A summary for a profile belonging to a person who does not really do much other than play video games probably does not need a summary but here I am writing things here anyway. I realize that I have been saying "write" and "writing" but I have to mention that I am in fact not writing this at all! Yes, that's right, I am not writing this! I'm typing it. You see there is a big difference between writing and typing: writing as a verb is using a writing utensil such as a pen to draw meaningful scribbles that can be interpreted as words in their respective language. Typing is using a device with loads of buttons on it called a keyboard to translate button presses into letters and words on a screen. I now realize that writing could also refer to the concept of writing and not just the verb, but you know what I don't really care because this is not a dictionary; it is a load of pointless text that you are still reading for some reason. Why are you reading this? I wouldn't, in fact, I probably would stop at the second period. You know what? maybe I should simply stop typing.
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Flustered Blue Mar 26, 2022 @ 10:44am 