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herldkn 17. Feb. 2020 um 14:54 
Legend tells of a legendary warrior, whose kung fu skills were the stuff of legend. He travelled the land in search of worthy foes. I see you like to chew. Maybe you should on my fist. The warrior said anything for his mouth was full. Then he swallowed. And then he spoke. Enough talk. Let's fight. He was so deadly in fact, that his enemies will go blind, from over exposure to pure awesomeness. My eyes! He's too awesome!
herldkn 17. Feb. 2020 um 14:54 
And attractive. How can we re-pay you? There is no charge for awesomeness. Or attractiveness. It mattered not how many foes he faced. They were no match for his voracity. Never before had a panda been so feared, and so loved. Even the most heroic heroes in all of China, The Furious Five. Bowed in respect to this great master. We should hang out. Agreed. But hanging out would have to wait. Cause when you're facing the ten thousand demons of demon mountain.
herldkn 17. Feb. 2020 um 14:53 
There is only one thing that matters and thats... Get up! You'll be late for work. Po... Get up! Hey, Po. What are you doing up there? Ahh.. nothing. Monkey, Mantis, Crane, Viper, Tigress ... Roarrrr! Ahh... Po. Let's go. You're late for work. Coming! Sorry Dad. Sorry, doesn't make the Noodles. What were you doing up there? All that noise? Oh...nothing. Just had a crazy dream. About what? Uh? What were you dreaming about? What was I...aah... ...
herldkn 17. Feb. 2020 um 14:53 
I was dreaming about a... Noodles. Noodles? You were really dreaming about noodles? Uhh... Ya, what else would I be dreaming about? Oh, careful. That soup is - sharp! Oh... happy day. My son finally having the noodle dream. You don't know how long I have been waiting for this moment. This is a sign, Po. Uh... a sign of what? You are almost ready to be entrusted with the secret ingredient, ... of my secret ingredient soup. And then you will fulfill your destiny and take over the restaurant. Just as I took over from my father who took over from his father. who won it from a friend over a game of mahjong. Dad, dad, dad. It was just a dream. No, it was the Dream.
herldkn 17. Feb. 2020 um 14:53 
Wu Xiang noodles. Po, broth runs through our veins. But Dad, didn't you ever wanted to do something else? Something, beside noodles. Actually, when I was young and crazy. I thought of running away and learning how to make tofu. So why didn't you? Oh, because it was a stupid dream. Can you imagine me making tofu? Ha, ha, ha. Tofu! No, we all have our place in this world. My is here and yours is... ... I know "is here". No, its tables 2, 5 ,7 and 12. Service with a smile.
herldkn 17. Feb. 2020 um 14:52 
Well done, students... ... if you were trying to disappoint me. Tigress, you need more ferocity. Monkey greater speed. Crane, height. Viper, subtlety. Mantis... Master Shifu... Master Shifu... What? It...its Master Oogway, he wants to see you. Master Oogway, you summoned me? Is something wrong? Why must something be wrong for me to want to see my old friend? So, nothing is wrong? Well, I didn't say that. You were saying? I have had a vision. Tai Lung will return.