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Welcome to Lab C-731

Start the first level
Ontgrendeld op 25 jan 2021 om 12:34

The block go round and round

Achieve the level with the rotating block
Ontgrendeld op 25 jan 2021 om 12:35

To left, to right and go

Achieve the level with the block that moves horizontally
Ontgrendeld op 25 jan 2021 om 12:36

The block go up and down

Achieve the level with the block that moves vertically
Ontgrendeld op 25 jan 2021 om 12:38

To left, to right and rotate

Achieve the level with the rotating block that moves horizontally
Ontgrendeld op 25 jan 2021 om 12:56

Up, down and rotate

Achieve the level with the rotating block that moves vertically
Ontgrendeld op 25 jan 2021 om 12:58

It's free

Achieve the level with the rotating block that moves
Ontgrendeld op 25 jan 2021 om 13:02

Welcome to Lab D-713

Go through the first portal
Ontgrendeld op 25 jan 2021 om 12:55

Welcome to Lab B-137

Go through the second portal
Ontgrendeld op 25 jan 2021 om 18:27

Welcome to Lab Z-37A

Go through the third portal
Ontgrendeld op 2 mrt 2021 om 12:21

That's all folks!

Finish the game
Ontgrendeld op 2 mrt 2021 om 12:42

The collector

Collect all Easter eggs
Ontgrendeld op 2 mrt 2021 om 12:40