United States
My dog is a Corgi and his name is Chewie and he's very thicc.

*DEAD* GoSwitch : luke id chill if i were you

rob1nnn_‎ : tac go outside

Payne - 09/24/2017
luke seems to want to awp
but hes not very good with it
and his play style is just too slow and baity
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RaiiinZyrox 8 jun @ 6:08 
did you trade the ak bloodsport?
Goldseeker 15 apr @ 12:12 
+rep Lovely guy!
WhystrikesV2 18 feb @ 20:01 
gave this guy ugioh cards for a blow job once
Ali Rios 23 nov, 2023 @ 18:51 
they say you're a legend? xD
let's play together legend C:
Acinic 6 nov, 2023 @ 9:13 
that bed3r guy on faceit was cheating. me and my bois watched the demo and had a good laugh. hes silver with cheats on faceit. it was so funny. pls give it a watch and report that guy.
mega methhead 1 okt, 2023 @ 15:21 
blank was straight watching all of u thru walls, couldnt kick, he was queued, bg bro