Tempo di gioco nelle ultime 2 settimane:

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12 achievement su 18 (67%) ottenuti:
Achievement personali

That was easy

All original 5x5 levels complete.
Sbloccato in data 8 nov 2020, ore 15:14

A medium sized effort

All original 10x10 levels complete.
Sbloccato in data 20 nov 2020, ore 12:43

Small contribution

Submitted a 5x5 puzzle to the workshop.
Sbloccato in data 15 nov 2020, ore 6:37

Medium contribution

Submitted a 10x10 puzzle to the workshop.
Sbloccato in data 15 nov 2020, ore 6:34

Big contributor

Submitted a 15x15 puzzle to the workshop.
Sbloccato in data 15 nov 2020, ore 6:40

Generous contribution

Submitted a 20x20 puzzle to the workshop.
Sbloccato in data 15 nov 2020, ore 6:47

Rules acquired

Completed the tutorial.
Sbloccato in data 7 nov 2020, ore 11:55

Starting out

Completed a total of 10 puzzles.
Sbloccato in data 7 nov 2020, ore 12:03

Not bad

Completed a total of 25 puzzles.
Sbloccato in data 7 nov 2020, ore 12:13

Keep it up

Completed a total of 50 puzzles.
Sbloccato in data 8 nov 2020, ore 15:07

Century Club

Completed a total of 100 puzzles.
Sbloccato in data 15 nov 2020, ore 5:41

Puzzle King

Completed a total of 200 puzzles.
Sbloccato in data 20 nov 2020, ore 12:43

Working hard

All original 15x15 levels complete.

Best person award

All original levels complete.

Puzzle Master

Completed a total of 500 puzzles.


Completed a total of 750 puzzles.

Puzzle Lover

Completed a total of 1000 puzzles.

Puzzle Enthousiast

Completed a total of 2000 puzzles.