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4 van de 12 (33%) prestaties behaald:
Persoonlijke prestaties

88 Miles Per Hour

Travel through time
Ontgrendeld op 30 apr 2020 om 11:43

Just one hug is enough

Get a hug from Amy
Ontgrendeld op 3 mei 2020 om 9:50

All Stages Clear!

Finish the game
Ontgrendeld op 3 mei 2020 om 10:48

Dr. Eggman Got Served

Destroy Dr. Eggman's final machine
Ontgrendeld op 3 mei 2020 om 10:48

Paradise Found

Complete a zone in the Good Future

Take the High Road

Pass the upper Signpost in Collision Chaos Zone 2

King of the Rings

Collect 200 Rings

Statue Saviour

Find the angel statue in Wacky Workbench

Heavy Metal

Defeat Metal Sonic without getting hurt

Treasure Hunter

Collect all the Time Stones

Just in Time!

Complete the Time Attack mode in under 25 minutes

Saviour of the Planet

Destroy all the robot teleporters and Metal Sonic holograms in the past