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Tilastojen vertailu omiisi vaatii kirjautumista
10/10 (100%) saavutuksista avattu:
Henkilökohtaiset saavutukset

Legendary Weapon

Assemble the Chronoscepter
Avattu 22.5.2021 klo 5.20

Turok: Treasure Hunter

Discover all secret areas
Avattu 22.5.2021 klo 5.15

You Call That A Knife?

Defeat the Longhunter
Avattu 19.5.2021 klo 9.13

Ancient Exterminator

Defeat the Mantis
Avattu 20.5.2021 klo 8.20


Defeat the T-Rex
Avattu 22.5.2021 klo 5.20

Swift and Deadly

Kill 3 enemies simultaneously with the Knife
Avattu 19.5.2021 klo 8.22

Practice Makes Perfect

Complete the training course
Avattu 19.5.2021 klo 7.49

Crushing Conclusion

Defeat the Campaigner
Avattu 22.5.2021 klo 5.25

Not Quite Mortal

Obtain maximum HP from collecting Mortal Wounds
Avattu 22.5.2021 klo 5.39


Complete the time trial mode in under 2:45
Avattu 22.5.2021 klo 5.52