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Commie Space Guy :D
Kaee. 10 jul 2020 om 12:48 
Top 1k player, but could improve on a few things like; Volleys, Half Volleys, Bounce dribbling, Regular Dribbling, Rebounds, Reading bounces, Aerial car control, Recoveries, landing when bumped, Wavedashing, Half flipping, Air Dribbling, Ceiling shots, Upside down and sideways aerial control, Control on the wall and wall shots, knowing where your car is going to go when reversing on the wall, Regular Driving, Double jump aerials and regular aerials, knowing how to shoot off the wall, Double jump aerials and regular aerials, where you can save your flip to shoot with more power. Other than that, just redirects and basic shots, placement on shots, then work on your mental play and you'll be pro in no-time.
fissi 31 mei 2020 om 11:56 
+rep friendly and fast trader! :)
PREDATORXONE 1 mei 2020 om 11:04 
+rep nice trader