Death Star
Death Star   Australia
It’s already looking like a Good Year 😂😂Don't add me for trade... I'm not interested.
Bergman 2020年10月7日 13時29分 
Nono, i´m talking about wayne
amx™ 2020年2月24日 5時41分 
Some of them Fanboi hard,so they can report the people who criticise Valve and get them banned on forums. That is the reason i am perm banned on 2 accounts already, i have been banned for such stupid things, you cant even imagine - MOD Killahinstinct banned for things you would never see other people banned.

But Doc. is just a adult nerd fanboying and probably seeking for attention - sociopath i guess.
Death Star 2020年2月24日 2時48分 
Thanks man😂😂I can’t understand these people.. they actually shield a billion dollars company from the blame instead of siding with their fellow players.. I can’t see a motive for that.. either they are in simple denial or they get something in return.
amx™ 2020年2月23日 10時16分 
Very good post from you... Its time to shut down that Valve fanboi named Doc.
TehSpoopyKitteh 2020年2月15日 13時15分 
If stories to tell more stories....I would be rich. I have a story to tell you both.