leon   Tokyo, Japan
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Artwork Showcase
Kawaii ღ(U꒳Uღ)
UwU so I wuz watching Sword Art Online, you know, like, the greatest anime ever, in class. And someone made fun of my Fairy Tail mug and my Tokyo Ghoul hoodie. And I was like ÒwÓ baka! Watashi gonna Kamehameha you UMU. And then I made him read every chapter of Boku No Hero Academia and we had an otaku discussion on why we think all the gay ships are superior and anyone who disagrees can rot in otaku hell. And then some cringe otaku who watches seasonal anime ÒwÓ told us that SAO is bad and that none of the characters in Boku No Hero Academia are gay. So we ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ strangled him to death with our Naruto hoodies. After that everyone clapped and gave us free anime girl body pillow covers and Astolfo figurines. And I was like UwU watashi gonna go home and read 177013 while cuddling my Sakura body pillow ÒwÓ