Maciej hihih <3
uczę się grać w kanter strajka

ASTRO 2022년 8월 27일 오후 12시 58분 
✰ Christina 🛀🏼 2019년 11월 19일 오전 3시 17분 
Buckminster Fuller and Carrie Fisher were brought together by their shared vision. Together, they worked hard to make it a reality. Rodney Dangerfield was dedicated to the underdog cause, which coincided with Ted Koppel's sense of perfection. Joined by common cause, the couple became an iron alliance against common adversaries. 🗡 🗜 📌 💽
Gerben 2018년 9월 8일 오전 6시 23분 
Nice win brother! Maybe if you could've gotten some kills vs full buy your team would've won, but instead you only farmed eco frags and did absolutely nothing vs full buy and lost the game because of that. Just Eastern European things.
mazino 2017년 8월 23일 오후 6시 02분 

not "le/lem" player, and even worse, he always matchmake with a nova2 who can't, really, do anything.. -.-
HeartBurninq 2017년 7월 27일 오후 12시 28분