Uncle Wayne's Fent Cart
United States
Steam message me for sweet Asian Shoutcasting
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Carterino Nov 18, 2021 @ 12:55am 
who is u
Tavvy J Oct 12, 2021 @ 7:32am 
TBH (to be honest) you should block the person below me. Out of all the MLP rankings he is by far so clearly a Prince Blueblood. Everyone, especially you would know that Prince Blueblood is the worst canonical pony. He was such a horrible pony, with no maturity, just like GamerChad42. He also was forced to leave the devious war between the Equestria and the Crystal Empire. Due to his self righteous nature, he feels as is he is important, just like GamerFat42. While GamerFag42 was being a low level prince blueblood, you and I are so clearly Raindow Dashes. We are just so simply one of the, if not the best pony. (up for debate)
GamerChad42 Oct 11, 2021 @ 7:58pm 
Tbh don't listen to the weirdo below. He's the most cancerous person ever. He's just jealous you're higher up in the mlp community than him.
Tavvy J Aug 17, 2021 @ 4:51pm 
ADD ME TO GET URSELF A DN :steamhearteyes:
Wholesome Grandpa Jan 30, 2017 @ 3:47pm 
Big guy, big mind, and big plans for life. My friends call me the Amazing Atheist after school debates.