DeathStroke beat u 22. Apr. um 13:51 
You have the voice of a virgin tbh but ez
c_mara 22. Apr. um 10:59 
do t-bag now looooser hahaha, uninstall mk1 pls +REP
JamS 14. März um 7:27 
Tu es très nul.
DeathStroke beat u 5. März um 9:20 
Without crying this time ?
Ilves 5. März um 8:07 
*cry* Don't play my character *cry* u have good accent for a an incest victim, were a u from ? Ass?
PHT | Garry 6. Jan. um 2:42 
Hahaha yea that’s what I figured 😂
DeathStroke beat u 5. Jan. um 15:46 
ggs bro, its a role, dont take it seriously, its not even my real accent, i just try to trigger people
PHT | Garry 5. Jan. um 14:40 
absolute mental on mic but funny xD ggs
DeathStroke beat u 13. Dez. 2023 um 13:48 
This guy insulted me and now he’s cool ??
Handsome Squidward 13. Dez. 2023 um 13:30 
Nevermind ur Italian we can be friends love you omniman man
DeathStroke beat u 12. Dez. 2023 um 12:23 
Ggs my man
Desswy 12. Dez. 2023 um 12:18 
i think your mic was open but i couldn't hear you man, ggs
DeathStroke beat u 10. Dez. 2023 um 9:29 
Thx bro
shinybluegold 10. Dez. 2023 um 9:14 
devoted omni man player ggs
DeathStroke beat u 7. Dez. 2023 um 8:52 
Its ok, u can add me
Hail The Queen 7. Dez. 2023 um 5:10 
Sry bro. Was having a real ♥♥♥♥♥♥ day yesterday. Shouldn't have lashed out on ya like that. Could use some practice against Stryker, I'm kinda lost in the matchup. If you're up we can play some friendly matches with less tbags xD
DeathStroke beat u 6. Dez. 2023 um 13:39 
Ez. Cry more.
Hail The Queen 6. Dez. 2023 um 12:42 
♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ garbage stryker abuser trash
DeathStroke beat u 5. Dez. 2023 um 14:00 
s tier character omni man ? when his low launcher his punishable, all is stance, even is 1,2,2, B;2;2 is punishable but s tier character ? right you prove again your are dumb, you got slapped when you are not using a top tier character. you are the one crying, i prove the point that without your top 3 character, your litteraly garbage.

FlyBee 5. Dez. 2023 um 13:42 
by the way you were the first to tbag and fatality. Do not judge and you will not be judged. good luck and have a nice day
FlyBee 5. Dez. 2023 um 13:35 
imagine crying about tbag and kenshi when you play S- character with broken kameo. imagine Be proud of yourself after beating a drunk guy on a reptile. You have a child's brain in an adult body, pls grow up and Don't embarrass yourself like this anymore
DeathStroke beat u 27. Nov. 2023 um 10:53 
scudgie ur hot
scudgie 25. Nov. 2023 um 14:07 
rlly bad omni man, mad asf sore loser, ended him :3
DeathStroke beat u 23. Nov. 2023 um 10:01 
go eat your fast food fat american pls baby
Hornzisbadgg 22. Nov. 2023 um 14:22 
GGs bro you just lost to the worst reiko you've ever faced
Sumi 5. Juli 2022 um 16:54 
+rep bro is gorgeous
DeathStroke beat u 3. Juli 2022 um 13:26 
Yeah im the killer, why i should follow your survivor rules ? hypocrit
Terinago 3. Juli 2022 um 13:22 
-rep tunneler dont forget block him :3
DeathStroke beat u 28. Juni 2022 um 7:54 
yeah its called play killer, you noob
loading... 28. Juni 2022 um 7:30 
-rep toxic tunneler
DeathStroke beat u 24. Juni 2022 um 8:38 
Destroyed ? i escaped and i looped you, you ate my pallets bahahaha you got only two kills with SPIRIT a S TIER KILLER, you are sick i think bahahaha
OOO0OO0000 24. Juni 2022 um 6:13 
✅ Those guy was DESTROYED by Zaverbovann™

:steamthumbsdown:-REP Baby surv
:steamthumbsdown:-REP Unskill surv
:steamthumbsdown:-REP Trash surv
:steamthumbsdown:-REP Cringe surv
:steamthumbsdown:-REP Kiddo
:steamthumbsdown:-REP Cheater
:steamthumbsdown:-REP Bad Friend
:steamthumbsdown:-REP Ugly profile
:steamthumbsdown:-REP Have a bad day!


// I wish you learn to play.
DeathStroke beat u 23. Juni 2022 um 15:33 
Yeah i think its playing the game, the killer doesnt have to follow survivor rules lol
Koviati 23. Juni 2022 um 12:55 
-rep hook camper tunneler
DeathStroke beat u 18. Juni 2022 um 11:55 
noob russian
julia_smiles 18. Juni 2022 um 11:51 
тебя реально батя в очко ебет, другого объяснения нет:steamthumbsup:
Emmy 4. Juni 2022 um 7:37 
+rep a nice killer to play against and an extra +rep cuz you were playing ghostie <3
Nephilim 3. Juni 2022 um 16:12 
+rep funy kiler in DBD
Sunshine ☼ 8. Sep. 2021 um 21:19 
+rep, funny
BloodyJelly 21. Okt. 2020 um 18:03 
+rep love you too -The fastest Legion in the word
Kotarah 21. Okt. 2020 um 11:25 
Il est sexiste à ban plz
worm shepherd 13. Okt. 2020 um 22:20 
Zik 10. Okt. 2020 um 21:00 
+rep nice killer
DeathStroke beat u 10. Okt. 2020 um 17:38 
Thanks man, appreciate it
ρнєηєχ 10. Okt. 2020 um 16:58 
-rep sexist.
RomRom 19. Sep. 2020 um 12:25 
+rep my man. He know how to swallow like a black hole.
Tiainen 18. Sep. 2020 um 9:11 
+rep dank pasta maker wraith :cuphead: damn those megheads :louie:
DasQuotenmädel™ 6. Sep. 2020 um 22:22 
+rep I love you Merle! One day you will understand my decisions... gg
Ganbar 6. Sep. 2020 um 0:00 
+rep, worthy soldier of british empire!
Juiccy 5. Sep. 2020 um 18:55 
++rep The best soldier of the United Kingdom