Elmúlt 2 heti játékidő:

Globális teljesítménystatisztikák megnézése
A statisztikáknak a sajátjaiddal való összehasonlításához be kell jelentkezned.
36 / 36 (100%) teljesítmény elérve
Személyes teljesítmények

On the First Day

Recruited eight archers
Feloldva: 2020. jún. 26., 8:48

On the Second Day

You got free walls.
Feloldva: 2020. júl. 1., 17:10

On the Third Day

You started your camp.
Feloldva: 2020. júl. 4., 3:49

By the Fourth Day

You hunted 40 or more critters.
Feloldva: 2020. jún. 26., 7:13

By the Fifth Day

You didn't kill anything.
Feloldva: 2020. jún. 26., 8:05

On the Sixth Day

You had more gold than you could carry.
Feloldva: 2020. júl. 3., 13:49

On the Seventh Day

You cleared an acre of land.
Feloldva: 2020. jún. 26., 20:36

By the Eighth Day

You forged a new Crown
Feloldva: 2020. júl. 4., 4:00

On the Ninth Day

You held a Gem
Feloldva: 2020. júl. 3., 13:49

By the Tenth Day

You destroyed a portal.
Feloldva: 2020. jún. 26., 8:34

Master of the Sea

Sail away before day 6!
Feloldva: 2020. jún. 26., 13:21

I am an Equestrian

Ride 4 different steeds on the same land
Feloldva: 2020. jún. 26., 8:17

Is a Hermit still a Hermit if they have friends?

Put 4 hermits on the same boat
Feloldva: 2020. júl. 1., 17:05


I have 20 max-level towers on a single land
Feloldva: 2020. júl. 4., 3:04

Playing with goo

Escape the cave with your crown in tact
Feloldva: 2020. jún. 26., 20:54


Set fire to 20 greed with one flame barrel
Feloldva: 2020. júl. 3., 13:53

Their Savior

Revive a Land after 200 days of decay
Feloldva: 2020. júl. 4., 3:30

Safe Passage

Have lighthouses on all 5 lands
Feloldva: 2020. júl. 4., 3:26

Easter Island

Clear all trees from a single land.
Feloldva: 2020. jún. 26., 7:41

The Student Becomes the Teacher

Beat a portal with a squire
Feloldva: 2020. jún. 26., 8:34

Beginning of a legend

Defeat the Greed on one land
Feloldva: 2020. jún. 26., 8:46

Stories Have Begun

Defeat the Greed on two lands
Feloldva: 2020. júl. 3., 13:57

Songs Will Be Written

Defeat the Greed on three lands
Feloldva: 2020. júl. 3., 13:59

Legends Will Be Passed Down

Defeat the Greed on four lands
Feloldva: 2020. júl. 3., 14:00

You have Sealed Your Reign In History

Defeat the Greed on all five lands
Feloldva: 2020. júl. 4., 2:48

There Is No Greater Ruler Than Thou

Defeat the Greed from all five lands in a single reign
Feloldva: 2020. júl. 4., 3:03

Never Gives Up

Retrieve your crown 300 times
Feloldva: 2020. júl. 4., 4:07

A Journey Is Better Shared

Sail to another land in Coop 30 times
Feloldva: 2020. júl. 4., 2:55

Cracked the Skull

Overcome the Greed on Skull Island
Feloldva: 2020. júl. 4., 3:13

A New Heir

Lose your crown, but not your legacy.
Feloldva: 2020. júl. 4., 2:49

The Four Horsemen

Summoned the four monarchs to the land of the dead.
Feloldva: 2020. júl. 4., 4:01


Ride the Gamigin.
Feloldva: 2020. júl. 4., 4:07

Here Kitty Kitty Kitty

Recruit a Cat
Feloldva: 2022. aug. 16., 13:11

Arm the Homeless

Convert a Beggar Camp into a Citizen House
Feloldva: 2022. aug. 16., 13:11

Above and Beyond

Defeat the Greed on all 6 Lands
Feloldva: 2022. aug. 16., 13:11


Unlock all Items of Power (Solve All Puzzles)
Feloldva: 2022. aug. 16., 13:11