Emerald Starz
Gav   Anchorage, Alaska, United States
The Factory Is Boomin
Psychological need tell someone it will be ok
Love Ya
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Lil Smith 19 de fev. às 21:52 
Sucks at Darktide
j 11/ago./2020 às 19:27 
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If you are a beautiful strong black woman, someone will put this in your comments~
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Emerald Starz 8/dez./2018 às 23:06 
like 8 and my dpi on my mouse is high
Kortex^ 8/dez./2018 às 17:50 
whats ur sensitivity
Munch Munch 2/mai./2018 às 18:15 
Emerald Starz 2/mai./2018 às 17:49 
You lied to me