Игровое время за последние 2 недели:

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Получено 0 из 18 (0%) достижений:
Личные достижения

Savety First!

Created your first save file.

Crowd Pleaser!

Gave an incredible speech at the podium.

I'm Learnding!

Finish the Tutorial.

Minimum Chips...

Score 2000 in the Quality Assurance game.

Employee of the Year!

Score 10,000 in the Quality Assurance game.

Admit One

Visited the cinema to catch a movie.

Down In Front

Watched the credits (thank you!)

No Longer A Rookie

Achieved three stars in every level of Paperville Panic!

Скрытых достижений осталось: 10

Информация о каждом достижении будет доступна после его получения