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7/7 (100%) saavutuksista avattu:
Henkilökohtaiset saavutukset

Sir, yes sir!

Complete the training level.
Avattu 15.7.2019 klo 9.22

Good ol’ fishslap

Kill the enemy with a paddle.
Avattu 15.7.2019 klo 8.00

My precious!

Win the battle. Award - delicious fish!
Avattu 15.7.2019 klo 8.04

If you run after two hares..

Kill a player with a sticky mine to sink one more by explosion.
Avattu 15.7.2019 klo 9.11


Kill a player with a mine that your hook dragged in.
Avattu 15.7.2019 klo 9.02


Sink another player with a mine blown by a shot or a paddle.
Avattu 15.7.2019 klo 8.52

Release the Kraken!

Kill two or more players at a time with the help of the octopus.
Avattu 15.7.2019 klo 7.50