Wait your turn, brat of a child, stay your thoughts and stamp your toes. This is adult time! We have foul ideas to execute, the ugly larvae of greater concepts; made bodily, gobbled oddly, thrashed mouthwise and fumbled sodly. Yes, here they come to be poked and penetrated, examined and spat on, deflowered and incarcerated. We are the dreadful skewers that strain the filter of enlightenment.

Come now, don’t shy away from this inexorable land of debauchery. It’s your brain in which this dark ditch dwells, my liege - all yours! Slay the amber child! Pass through the blade until there is no matter. Step into that box, sir, let the sludgy mills of gastritis be impaled. Heed not the cheeky ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥! Move on, move on, right this way - past the sacred crown rituals and transmuting genitals. This is true freedom, isn’t it? A thrill to be fated to nothing but erasure.
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Thought Cabinet
Writhing mass of undignified love and suffering – the thought horde, greedy for new horrific forms, overdoses on identity. Ignore the merchant cries of bargain bin insanity. Best to go junking deep for the sweetest of tragedies. What can you find? Melt of deranged faces, grotesque carnival motion, a strangled kiss, hammer blows of compunction, stimulated frenulums of bliss. A sickly synthesis of inmates who ride the dark tides of base desire and faded memories. Suddenly, it strikes.

Hyperkulturemia! Tendrils of mania pull you in, knot you as part of the interior, subject you to the microflows of pressurised cogitation. Crammed in, the desperate animals war at the borders, the whole terrible empire threatening to snap. Quick! Don’t let them escape. But it’s too late. Private thoughts pour into the pharynx, decompress in the bends, rush berserk to the exit. Exposed at last! The lobotomised architrave of man.
Kid Puncha Nov 29, 2023 @ 6:46pm 
the most eloquently spoken individual i know! plus rep!
ZOME Mar 24, 2021 @ 12:08am 
/tsod Feb 27, 2021 @ 3:36am 
Setodzi. I forgot to comment last year. My yearly streak is now ruined. I am sorry.
/tsod Nov 19, 2019 @ 6:44pm 
/tsod Oct 15, 2018 @ 2:57pm 
BEAT women
/tsod Dec 19, 2017 @ 7:40pm 