Speeltijd afgelopen 2 weken:

Algemene prestatiestatistieken weergeven
Je moet zijn aangemeld om deze statistieken met die van jezelf te vergelijken
37 van de 50 (74%) prestaties behaald:
Persoonlijke prestaties

First blood

Win your first fight
Ontgrendeld op 3 jun 2020 om 13:44

Seasoned warrior

Win 10 fights (multiple playthroughs)
Ontgrendeld op 4 jun 2020 om 1:52


Win 50 fights (multiple playthroughs)
Ontgrendeld op 12 nov 2020 om 15:33


Win a fight with only one character
Ontgrendeld op 5 jun 2020 om 4:22


Win a fight with 2 looters in your team
Ontgrendeld op 5 jun 2020 om 3:52


Deal more than 15 damage in a single hit
Ontgrendeld op 4 jun 2020 om 0:53

Sucks to be you

Accumulate 10 negative traits on one character
Ontgrendeld op 4 jun 2020 om 1:09

Dark was the night...

Spend a night without fire
Ontgrendeld op 5 jun 2020 om 4:17

Death in Vinland

Lose a character
Ontgrendeld op 5 jun 2020 om 4:25


Explore 10 areas
Ontgrendeld op 3 jun 2020 om 15:35


Explore 50 areas
Ontgrendeld op 12 nov 2020 om 5:59


Explore 100 areas
Ontgrendeld op 12 nov 2020 om 13:26


Explore every area of the island
Ontgrendeld op 12 nov 2020 om 15:49

A village is born

Craft all stations in the camp
Ontgrendeld op 6 jul 2020 om 12:30

Master blacksmith

Forge 150 items (multiple playthroughs)
Ontgrendeld op 12 nov 2020 om 10:26


Raise 5 sheeps simultaneously
Ontgrendeld op 12 nov 2020 om 10:25

Clever victory

Slay Björn after poisoning him
Ontgrendeld op 12 nov 2020 om 16:19

The small angry dude

Convince Egill to join your cause
Ontgrendeld op 12 nov 2020 om 14:55

The scrawny smug warrior

Convince Njall to join your cause
Ontgrendeld op 12 nov 2020 om 13:41

The giant sword wielding woman

Convince Gwendolen to join your cause
Ontgrendeld op 12 nov 2020 om 12:22

The silent hunter

Convince Grim to join your cause
Ontgrendeld op 12 nov 2020 om 13:13

The good, the bad, and Elof

Kill Elof
Ontgrendeld op 12 nov 2020 om 15:09

Good Little Ponies

Give the maximum tribute to Elof
Ontgrendeld op 3 jun 2020 om 15:34

Skull Ball

Get the Skull Ball
Ontgrendeld op 12 nov 2020 om 9:33

Orichalcum Helmet

Get the Orichalcum Helmet
Ontgrendeld op 12 nov 2020 om 12:23

Orichalcum Breastplate

Get the Orichalcum Breastplate
Ontgrendeld op 12 nov 2020 om 16:04

Orichalcum Greaves

Get the Orichalcum Greaves
Ontgrendeld op 12 nov 2020 om 15:17

Orichalcum Gauntlets

Get the Orichalcum Gauntlets
Ontgrendeld op 12 nov 2020 om 14:53

Volcano Killer

Kill the volcano
Ontgrendeld op 12 nov 2020 om 16:10

We are not alone!

Recruit your first ally
Ontgrendeld op 3 jun 2020 om 15:03

You're fired!

Kick a character
Ontgrendeld op 6 jul 2020 om 11:58


Have 10 characters in your village
Ontgrendeld op 12 nov 2020 om 14:02

Nice little vacation

Finish the game (Nice Vacation difficulty)
Ontgrendeld op 12 nov 2020 om 16:22

I'm the best at what I do

Get a skill up to 100
Ontgrendeld op 6 jul 2020 om 12:21

Skilled survivor

Get a character to level 5
Ontgrendeld op 3 jun 2020 om 15:01

Expert survivor

Get a character to level 10
Ontgrendeld op 4 jun 2020 om 12:34


Get a character to level 15
Ontgrendeld op 12 nov 2020 om 9:11

Triple Kill

Defeat 3 enemies with single attack

Master builder

Craft 75 upgrades (multiple playthroughs)
50 / 75

Nobody will be left behind

Finish the game without losing anyone (min. Survival difficulty)

True survivor

Finish the game (Survival difficulty)

Ready for Ragnarök

Finish the game (Extreme Conditions difficulty)

You play better than the devs

Finish the game (Survival difficulty and True Viking)

You're not human

Finish the game (Extreme Conditions difficulty and True Viking)

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