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Investigation started

Enter the residence.
Ontgrendeld op 31 mei 2020 om 6:09

You're already going home?

After entering the residence, try to return from the door behind you.
Ontgrendeld op 31 mei 2020 om 6:09

Maybe it's just me...

At a specific timing, try to peek under the closed door in the restroom.
Ontgrendeld op 22 mrt 2021 om 6:55

Well done!

Solve the mystery of the desk.
Ontgrendeld op 22 mrt 2021 om 6:55

Basics of investigation.

Something under the bed......Hmm...
Ontgrendeld op 22 mrt 2021 om 6:55

Comfortable button.

Try pressing the shutter button in annex.
Ontgrendeld op 22 mrt 2021 om 6:55

Full of curiosity.

After the crying stopped, look into the hole in the wall again...
Ontgrendeld op 22 mrt 2021 om 6:55

Perfect investigation.

Collect all items and files in one game play.
Ontgrendeld op 22 mrt 2021 om 6:55

The nightmare has just begun.

Move forward without fear.
Ontgrendeld op 22 mrt 2021 om 6:55


After winning all achievements, watch a credit.
Ontgrendeld op 22 mrt 2021 om 6:55