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Đánh giá gần đây bởi Kmeeth

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1 người thấy bài đánh giá này hữu ích
416.9 giờ được ghi nhận (90.5 giờ vào lúc đánh giá)
It is NOT like Minecraft!
Sure, it is a survival game that features gathering resources, building and fighting/hiding from nocturnal monsters. But the more you play it, the more you feel that it isn't MC. Don't missunderstand me, I LOVE Minecraft, I guess I can say it's my favorite game, but Terraria is something else.
First of all, Terraria is an RPG game, while MC isn't. You can create your own character, but it doesn't really feature skills like stamina, intelligence etc. It is just for looks of your character. The only thing about making your character that really affects the gameplay is choosing between Softcore, Mediumcore and Hardcore. Softcore is what people generally choose, because Mediumcore and Hardcore are almost immpossible to play unless you are some kind of god. Softcore means that you drop half of your money on death. Mediumcore drops all of your items and money on death. Hardcore deletes your character on death. Mediumcore and Hardcore are especially hard because in Terraria you usually die far more commonly than in Minecraft, and there are also some unique items that can be aquired a limited ammount of times in a world that can be pretty hard (or almost immpossible) to get them again. But you can always play Softcore which is pretty well balanced in my opinion.
Now, when you have your character you need to make the world where you will play. You get to choose between small, medium and large size. Then you get to choose if your world is going to be normal or expert. Expert mode is harder in so many aspects and I'm not going to cover it or spoil it. Then a world is created. The world has biomes: Forest, Snow, Jungle, Desert and one "Evil" biome. An Evil biome can be Corruption or Crimson. You can't get both in the same world, and they have equal chance to generate. Now this part of the game maybe has a problem. Personally, I would love to see more control over the world creation like the one you have in MC, for example. Floating island number, depth at which each one of the ores generates, choice between crimson or corruption etc.
Now when you have your world, you will probably see two characters. One of them is you and one of them is Guide. He is the first NPC you will encounter and he will give you some advice. I'm not going to spoil anything, but this is a brief list of what game contains:
-16 bosses, each one of them being original in my opinion
-over 300 weapons
-over 1000 items
-many, many different monsters
-192 block types, many of them being useful for building
-many useful accessories
and much more...

-Pretty decent and interesting gameplay
-There is much variety among the items and monsters
-Nice building possibilities
-This game can run on almost any computer without any problems
-(Almost) no bugs (I haven't found a single one)

-I think it lacks variety in NPCs. For example, every nurse looks the same (they have different names though)
-Bad moddability. Maybe it's because of the game's code, maybe it's the community. I don't know.
-Lacks the infinite world system. Now, I'm not sure if this is a con, but without infinite worlds we can't have big servers with hundreds of players because it would feel too crowded and the world will probably look like sh*t because with that number of people mining you literally can't have a normal looking world.

I give this game 9/10, because it's simply great. And it has grapling hooks. Many types.
Đăng ngày 4 Tháng 1, 2016.
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