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Đạt được 0 trên 22 (0%) thành tựu:
Thành tựu cá nhân

Monster Hunter

Defeated 20 enemies.

Bringer of Justice

Defeated 40 enemies.

Slayer of Evil

Defeated 60 enemies.

Conqueror of Villains

Defeated 80 enemies.

What're Ya Sellin'?

Show 10 different items from the tower to Merchant Wilber.

Take a Look at My Wares

Show 30 different items from the tower to Merchant Wilber.

I Am the Merchant Now

Show 50 different items from the tower to Merchant Wilber.

Woman of the People

Worked in the tavern.

Còn lại 14 thành tựu ẩn

Chi tiết của mỗi thành tựu sẽ được tiết lộ khi được mở khoá