It's Hamurger Time
Leo   Netherlands
The easiest way to get into the meditative state is to begin by listening. If you simply close your eyes and allow yourself to hear all the sounds that are going on around you, just listen to the general hum and buzz of the world as if you were listening to music. Don’t try to identify the sounds you are hearing, don’t put names on them, simply allow them to play with your eardrums. As you hear sounds coming up in your head, thoughts, you simply listen to them as part of the general noise going on just as you would be listening to the sound of my voice or just as you would be listening to cars going by or to birds chattering outside the window. So look at your own thoughts as just noises and soon you will find that the so called ‘outside world’ and the so called ‘inside world’ come together, they are a happening. Your thoughts are a happening, just like the sounds going on outside, and everything is simply a happening, and all you are doing is watching it.

Arguing on the internet is like running in the Special Olympics. Even if you win you're still retarded.

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𝓵𝓸𝓼𝓽𝓫𝓸𝔂- Mar 21, 2023 @ 5:57pm 
dont play cs anymore
kew Dec 11, 2022 @ 6:47am 
+rep lovely man
TheBert™ Oct 11, 2021 @ 3:31pm 
cheemsburger >>>>> hamburger
moon Oct 11, 2021 @ 3:15pm 
+rep, very friendly teammate!
Yamakasi Sep 4, 2021 @ 4:00pm