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Đạt được 26 trên 45 (58%) thành tựu:
Thành tựu cá nhân

Une étoile

You have discovered 2% of the Passidex (base game).
Mở khóa vào 5 Thg08, 2020 @ 10:22am

Deux étoiles

You have discovered 10% of the Passidex (base game).
Mở khóa vào 6 Thg08, 2020 @ 2:10am

Trois étoiles

You have discovered 25% of the Passidex (base game).
Mở khóa vào 10 Thg08, 2020 @ 2:27am

Quatre étoiles

You have discovered 50% of the Passidex (base game).
Mở khóa vào 13 Thg08, 2020 @ 9:44am

Un pour tous…

You have met all the passengers (base game only).
Mở khóa vào 13 Thg08, 2020 @ 10:09am

Sous les verrous…

You have arrested all the killers (base game only).
Mở khóa vào 12 Thg08, 2020 @ 1:46am

La Critique

You have heard all her stories.
Mở khóa vào 13 Thg08, 2020 @ 9:19am

La Poètesse

You have heard all her poems.
Mở khóa vào 13 Thg08, 2020 @ 9:22am

Le Sans-abri

Hervé helped you with your investigation.
Mở khóa vào 12 Thg08, 2020 @ 1:41am

La Vieille dame au flingue

You accepted Carolina's offer.
Mở khóa vào 13 Thg08, 2020 @ 9:23am

La Patronne

You spied on Géraldine.
Mở khóa vào 12 Thg08, 2020 @ 12:30am

Le Chat

You drove Crouky to Saint-Lazare station.
Mở khóa vào 5 Thg08, 2020 @ 10:16am

Le Hacker

You were straight with Jonas about your beliefs.
Mở khóa vào 6 Thg08, 2020 @ 10:46am

La Mathématicienne

You heard something on Shohreh's ghost station.
Mở khóa vào 11 Thg08, 2020 @ 10:47am

Le Chevalier

You did your best to play along with Childéric.
Mở khóa vào 6 Thg08, 2020 @ 11:14am

Le Liseur

Kader told you he was reading The Count of Monte Cristo.
Mở khóa vào 10 Thg08, 2020 @ 2:31am

Le Flic

Pierrot threw up.
Mở khóa vào 13 Thg08, 2020 @ 9:56am

La Journaliste

You chose romance.
Mở khóa vào 6 Thg08, 2020 @ 7:38am

Les Rôlistes

You floored Xenofex.
Mở khóa vào 13 Thg08, 2020 @ 10:09am

Le Multi-millionnaire

Holy crap … 434 million euros!
Mở khóa vào 13 Thg08, 2020 @ 10:00am

L'Étudiante en vétérinaire

You took care of Émilia's problem.
Mở khóa vào 12 Thg08, 2020 @ 12:59am

La Charretière

You have heard all of her stories.
Mở khóa vào 12 Thg08, 2020 @ 1:57am

Le Boss

You refused to listen to your boss' explanations.
Mở khóa vào 6 Thg08, 2020 @ 10:34am

L'Ange de la Mort

You discovered the Angel of Death's identity.
Mở khóa vào 11 Thg08, 2020 @ 11:37am

Le Marchand de Sable

You discovered the Sandman's identity.
Mở khóa vào 12 Thg08, 2020 @ 1:46am

Le Juge

You discovered the Judge's identity.
Mở khóa vào 6 Thg08, 2020 @ 7:49am

Cinq étoiles

You have discovered 75% of the Passidex (base game).

Le Chauffeur

You have discovered 98% of the Passidex (base game).

Còn lại 17 thành tựu ẩn

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