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pew pew
3 4
Maverich 15 май в 10:32 
+rep what is your promo code on ddrop?
6 май в 13:23 
i agree with you diren he sucks
[bad]♆DirnenJaeger 9 февр. в 13:39 
"keep on relying on a video game to make you happy" so its stupid to have a goal nerby to get lv10 and if you want to win and play with capable people its weard i see, but than maybo go play Premir with your bot m8 he deservs lv 1 or max 2. Ruining the game for someone who will play this game Competitiv nothing else its called unfair for not giving a ♥♥♥♥ and again my point than go play premir with him ....
bedygoat 6 февр. в 5:28 
the biggest Lucker in the whole world
PolishMielonka 5 февр. в 8:55 
its a biggest piece of ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Sajkon1337 5 февр. в 4:55 