traquouse 1 de mar. às 14:32 
-rep tunnel backsave focus p1 p2 p3
美雪 7 de fev. às 10:42 
nothing but pathetic loser
ЛасковыйСергей TTV 26 de jan. às 11:50 
+rep Хороший доктор, отличная терапия
Inazuma Eleven: Victory Road 23/dez./2023 às 9:21 
-rep genrusher noob
Cashew 25/nov./2023 às 12:34 
+rep great looper!
I'm a bush 22/nov./2023 às 15:10 
+rep great killer
Arius 5/ago./2023 às 14:41 
Riital 5/ago./2023 às 14:39 
1200h of dbd but he can't play without hard tunnel .. so sad
Shelltan 23/jun./2023 às 10:44 
+rep sweetest bubba <3
Jigsaw 21/jun./2023 às 10:15 
+rep let me boop the snoot <3
ur m0m a virg33n 1/jun./2023 às 13:44 
-rep maximum tunneling.
Shilox 22/mai./2023 às 10:21 
+rep nice and fair
Acey Wacey Wake 10/mai./2023 às 15:55 
+rep, good survivor and very nice!
You like big daddies? 26/abr./2023 às 13:26 
-Rep. Proxy camping tunneler.
baer 11/abr./2023 às 15:19 
+rep sorry you died to that ♥♥♥♥♥♥ gf :(
𝐏𝖎𝖙𝖕𝖔𝖑𝖔𝖟 8/abr./2023 às 3:14 
+rep big respect deal )
SluttyMin 19/mar./2023 às 15:46 
+rep good teammate 16/mar./2023 às 16:33 
+rep well played mate <3
бытие кирила 24/fev./2023 às 12:36 
+rep good surv
Kurisutina 18/fev./2023 às 13:29 
Firsken 4/fev./2023 às 12:07 
+rep Friendly Russian!
Yenzao 4/fev./2023 às 11:46 
-rep playing legion
Kubuśayteron 2/fev./2023 às 8:13 
-rep tunelling and facecamper
Vanii Vanille 16/jan./2023 às 12:14 
+Rep cute pig, thx x3 'boop, boop'
Kira 16/jan./2023 às 7:58 
+Rep Huntress <3 ^.^
mori me Deathslinger 29/dez./2022 às 11:45 
ты серьёзно решил отпустить юзлесс фенгу которая продала команду?(
Taco Blacky 28/dez./2022 às 11:35 
Nice Killer
Plague: Nea everything the Vomit touches is our Kingdom
Thats the Circle of Vomit
Элита 22/dez./2022 às 7:32 
Витѧзь 23/nov./2022 às 10:12 
+rep legendary comrade survivalist
masya 19/nov./2022 às 15:51 
+rep good teammate
DouDou 7/nov./2022 às 14:51 
-rep worth team mate
mathys 1/nov./2022 às 15:30 
+rep nice teammate
Nisios 8/ago./2022 às 12:03 
+rep good survivor :thehook:
rey <3 bear 8/ago./2022 às 10:51 
+rep what a legend
Boon: Right Twix 28/jul./2022 às 9:45 
+rep nice teamplays