andrew carlton
Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, United States
newest resident of blinker town
Zurzeit offline
Huffin Duster 18. Jan. um 23:46 
I have been stalking this guy at his home in Florida for the last 3 weeks, digging through his trash every night, watching him hug and kiss his wife and children while I whisper my manifesto into a tape recorder.

Last night I found a letter from President Biden shoved in an empty can of pringles (bbq), dated september 12th 2001. I won't bore you with the details, but let's just say, this guy is receiving secret govt. funds for the "good work" he did "below the planes". Hah thought you could get away scott-free??? I'm telling on you bro. Then finally I can start my secret plan to overthrow the government and force everyone to live on trains 😊
Stryber 21. Dez. 2023 um 21:12 
New intel just in about this guy, head leading sources state he may be of a lizard descent. Some are suggesting he is part of a group known as the "Skull And Bones" which may be linked to a classified attack on american soil.
eggs n bacon 21. Dez. 2023 um 11:46 
was at the airport in boston about 22 years ago when i met this dude, he said he was going to see his family in NY but I noticed his boarding pass said Los Angeles so don't know what the hell he was talking about.
french fry 23. Okt. 2023 um 11:22 
guy told me he was.. "going dark" on the night of 9/10/2001 and then never heard from him again
Huffin Duster 20. Okt. 2023 um 13:48 
he called me on september 11th 2001 and warned me to cancel my trip to the big apple..??
patchs 24. Sep. 2023 um 19:18 
i have video proof this 'gentleman' caused 911