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616 hrs on record
last played on May 30
2,073 hrs on record
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last played on May 16
Kedar 17 hours ago 
Let's create some gaming memories.
хехеехе May 24 @ 8:09am 
прими го трейд
t0m Mar 14 @ 11:43pm 
Galasso, a young lad with a penchant for competitive gaming, found himself in a tight spot after losing a crucial 1v4 match. As the dust settled and the defeat sank in, he realized he owed his teammates CS2 knives as part of a bet gone awry. With a heavy heart and a lighter wallet, Galasso faced the consequences of his defeat, learning a valuable lesson about the unpredictable nature of competition and the importance of accountability in gaming circles.
Porter Mar 14 @ 11:42pm 
Galasso was once a bright-eyed boy with dreams as big as the sky. But somewhere along the line, his path twisted into the chaotic world of gambling. His days became a haze of bets and losses, his nights haunted by the specter of debt. With each roll of the dice or flip of a card, Galasso found himself sinking deeper into the quicksand of addiction, his once promising future slipping away like sand through his trembling fingers.
Sentri Mar 13 @ 9:53am 
added for ak ch trade
NeLecT Mar 12 @ 4:31pm 
Iceman G