Timp de joc în ultimele 2 săptămâni:

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59 din 123 (48%) realizări obținute:
Realizări personale

Air Apprentice

You're getting good at that air thing. You've made 10 air matches!
Obținută la 19 iul. 2018 la 10:41

Fire Apprentice

You're getting good at that fire thing. You've made 10 fire matches!
Obținută la 19 iul. 2018 la 10:41

Water Apprentice

You're getting good at that water thing. You've made 10 water matches!
Obținută la 19 iul. 2018 la 10:41

Earth Apprentice

You're getting good at that earth thing. You've made 10 earth matches!
Obținută la 19 iul. 2018 la 10:40

Void Apprentice

Should you be dabbling in that type of magic? You've made 10 void matches!
Obținută la 19 iul. 2018 la 10:41

Air Novice

Congratulations! You've gained novice proficiency with air.
Obținută la 19 iul. 2018 la 10:49

Fire Novice

Congratulations! You've gained novice proficiency with fire.
Obținută la 19 iul. 2018 la 10:50

Water Novice

Congratulations! You've gained novice proficiency with water.
Obținută la 19 iul. 2018 la 10:51

Earth Novice

Congratulations! You've gained novice proficiency with earth.
Obținută la 19 iul. 2018 la 10:49

Void Novice

Dark magic isn't for novices, so be careful!
Obținută la 19 iul. 2018 la 10:53

Air Journeyman

You've made it pretty far down the journey on the path of air.
Obținută la 19 iul. 2018 la 13:52

Fire Journeyman

You've made it pretty far down the journey on the path of fire.
Obținută la 19 iul. 2018 la 14:06

Earth Journeyman

You've made it pretty far down the journey on the path of earth.
Obținută la 19 iul. 2018 la 13:58

Void Journeyman

Avoid the Void! You don't want to keep going down this path.
Obținută la 19 iul. 2018 la 14:11

Air Master

Masters of the Universe? Nope, just of air.
Obținută la 19 iul. 2018 la 16:00

Water Journeyman

You've made it pretty far down the journey on the path of water.
Obținută la 19 iul. 2018 la 15:03

Fire Master

Masters of the Universe? Nope, just of fire.
Obținută la 19 iul. 2018 la 16:19

Earth Master

Masters of the Universe? Nope, just of earth.
Obținută la 19 iul. 2018 la 16:08

Water Master

Masters of the Universe? Nope, just of water.
Obținută la 20 iul. 2018 la 1:14

Void Master

You're now a master of the dark arts. Stupifexpelierminous!
Obținută la 19 iul. 2018 la 16:21


You've just crossed beyond the Threshold of greatness by beating 20 levels!
Obținută la 23 iul. 2018 la 10:42

Fire Everything!

Explosions never felt this good.
Obținută la 20 iul. 2018 la 7:18

The L Award

It's okay that you lost. It's not like the fate of the world rests on your shoulders.
Obținută la 19 iul. 2018 la 14:30

Apprentice Blacksmith

Congratulations! You learned how to make something.
Obținută la 19 iul. 2018 la 10:42

Journeyman Blacksmith

Congratulations! You learned to make a few things.
Obținută la 20 iul. 2018 la 1:05

Apprentice Builder

This is the house that you built.
Obținută la 19 iul. 2018 la 11:59

Journeyman Builder

Things are starting to look nice around here.
Obținută la 19 iul. 2018 la 16:16

Expert Builder

This is getting to be a rather splendid place.
Obținută la 23 iul. 2018 la 10:42


You've definitely perked that smithy up.
Obținută la 20 iul. 2018 la 1:05

Master Crafter

No finer place to craft has ever been built.
Obținută la 18 aug. 2018 la 2:00

Dog Catcher

Discovered your first bestiary card. Gotta get them all!
Obținută la 19 iul. 2018 la 10:36


You're starting a rather nice collection there.
Obținută la 20 iul. 2018 la 1:17


You unlocked your first (and now your second) achievement.
Obținută la 19 iul. 2018 la 10:36

Ding, Grats!

You've achieved 10 achievements. What an achievement!
Obținută la 19 iul. 2018 la 10:42


You've achieved 25 achievements. What an achievement!
Obținută la 19 iul. 2018 la 14:24

Very Gifted

You've achieved 50 achievements. What an achievement!
Obținută la 23 iul. 2018 la 3:30

Anxiety Attack

Calm down and take a deep breath! You made three bad moves in a row.
Obținută la 19 iul. 2018 la 10:42

Heals, Please!

You hired a healer from your people.
Obținută la 23 iul. 2018 la 2:41


Hired a druid from your citizens
Obținută la 23 iul. 2018 la 2:41

Stone Roller

You got yourself a stoner, man.
Obținută la 19 iul. 2018 la 15:51

Hard Rock Hero

Whoaaaah. That's a heaaaavy rock.
Obținută la 23 iul. 2018 la 2:50

Point and Click

You hired an archer.
Obținută la 19 iul. 2018 la 15:51

Pew! Pew!

You hired not just any archer, but an elite archer!
Obținută la 23 iul. 2018 la 2:41


Hired a scout from your citizens.
Obținută la 23 iul. 2018 la 2:41

Search and Destroy

Hired a lead scout from your citizens, and watch him scurry around the field.
Obținută la 23 iul. 2018 la 2:50

Whole Lot of Nothing

Corrupted, schmorrupted. You'll break any runes you can find.
Obținută la 20 iul. 2018 la 1:10

Little Spender

You finally have some buying power. You've spent 5000 triads.
Obținută la 19 iul. 2018 la 14:23

Middle Spender

Buy, baby, buy! You've spnt 50,000 triads.
Obținută la 23 iul. 2018 la 10:27

Gold Digger

Digging up triads is your forte. You have collected 1000 triad runes on your board.
Obținută la 23 iul. 2018 la 10:54

Mind Reader

Let's just take a peek at those thoughts.
Obținută la 19 iul. 2018 la 11:01


You must be psychic!
Obținută la 20 iul. 2018 la 2:36

Apprentice Becomes the Master

You beat the Tutor in the tutorial. Congratulations!
Obținută la 19 iul. 2018 la 10:36

What a Prick

You beat the Godgantupine. Congratulations!
Obținută la 19 iul. 2018 la 11:16

Together at Last

You beat Thargorina. Congratulations!
Obținută la 19 iul. 2018 la 14:15

Void the Defeat

You defeated the Obliterator, a servant of the Void. Congratulations!
Obținută la 19 iul. 2018 la 16:14

Not in Kansas Anymore

You beat the Wizard whose face is strangely familiar. Congratulations!
Obținută la 23 iul. 2018 la 3:30

Flung The Flinger

You beat the Elemental Lord, something the Alchemists claimed they did. Congratulations!
Obținută la 23 iul. 2018 la 6:11

Gobbo Mastery

The gobbo horde has been contained.
Obținută la 23 iul. 2018 la 6:11

Void Mastery

Avoid the Void. That's definitely a new saying.
Obținută la 27 iul. 2018 la 12:29

Air Savant

Savant, now that's a nifty word, and you totally deserve it in all matters regarding Air.

Fire Savant

Savant, now that's a nifty word, and you totally deserve it in all matters regarding Fire.

Water Savant

Savant, now that's a nifty word, and you totally deserve it in all matters regarding Water.

Earth Savant

Savant, now that's a nifty word, and you totally deserve it in all matters regarding Earth.

Void Savant

Wow. You might have to uninstall before your darkness eats your computer.

Rune Master

So many runes, so little time. You've truly mastered the the manipulation of runes.

Rune Savant

You're such a savant that there are no more words to describe your awesomeness.

Big Bada Boom

Your explosions are so big that they can probably be seen from space.

Easy Peasy

That wasn't so bad, was it? Good job defending the towers.

Middle Man

Excellent work defending the towers. Here's a lousy award for it.

Master of the Tower

We bow to you, the Master of the Tower.

Frobs It All

This losing thing, it's getting to be a habit!

The Frobinator

If you can't say something nice, say nothing at all. (You lost again.)


How did you manage to lose to the Tutor? That's impossible!

The Mystical Ruler

Magic permeates the very fiber of your town.

The Republic

Power to the people! Well, at least they can vote on it.

The General

This is madness! No, this is ReignMaker!

Animal Planet

Peace and love to all who live in your town. Oh, and a few human sacrifices.

Apprentice Healer

You've healed your tower.

Journeyman Healer

Who knew towers needed so much healing?

Master Healer

If anyone needs a tower healed, they should come to you, the Master Healer.

Expert Blacksmith

Wow, you sure do know how to make a lot of things!

Master Blacksmith

You are a master of metal, indeed. You know all the blacksmithing recipes.

Master Builder

Your city is looking mighty snazzy!

Monster Lover

Beasts! Gobbos! D'orcs! Oh my!

Gotta Catch Them All

I choose you and your little dog, too! You've collected 40 bestiary scrolls.


You've achieved 100 achievements. What an achievement!

Healers, Healers Everywhere

You hired some healers to keep things healthy.

Heal Me, We Win!

Heals for everyone! You've hired a high priest.


Holy fluffy bunnies - you got yourself a lot of druids.

Many Droods

Back to nature! You hired an archdruid.

Rock and Hard Place

You hired a bunch of stoners, and the rocks rained down.

Shoot 'Em Up

You hired some archers, and they're very into pin cushions.

Hide and Seek

Hired a bunch of scouts from your citizens and sent them to the battlefield.

Ice Breaker

Nothing stays frozen around you, you ice breaker!


Save those triads for a rainy day. You'll need them.

Triad Pincher

A triad saved is a triad earned.


You need to go swim in your triads today.

Big Spenda'

It's only money, right? You've spent 100,000 triads.

Team Medic

You don't need anyone else to heal you. You have used 1000 health runes.


Bombs are your specialty.

Master Psion

Your citizens know you spy on them with care.

Got My Eye on You

You beat that rolling eyeball known as the Glaring Glancer. Congratulations!

Got Boned

You beat Bizarre Bones. Congratulations!

So. Many. Pokka.

You beat the Cubicle. Congratulations!

Unchained Melodrama

You beat the Obliterati. Congratulations!

Heal OP

You beat General Mabelrode and saved the world. Congratulations!

Turtoom Mastery

You did a good thing in destroying these poor, corrupted creatures.

Turtoom Boom Boom

We shall mourn these good turtooms.

D'orc Mastery

Good job in destroying the d'orcs!

Strange Creatures Mastery

Strange creatures? Cute but no cigar!

Gargantupine Mastery

The gargantupine threat has been contained.

Dragonet Mastery

Excellent work in dispersing the crazed dragonets.

Romel Mastery

Horrid creatures! All romels need to be destroyed.

Evil Slemor Mastery

What kind of horrible beings would corrupt slemors?

Undead Mastery

Who doesn't like fighting the undead?

Glancer Mastery

Fighting eyeballs? At first you were the pupil, but now you are the master.

Gold That Glitters

Gold flags for every tower? Maybe YOU should be the king!

6 realizări ascunse rămase

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