I have few claims to fame in the online realm, once a fairly avid gamer I went to touch some grass and have seldom returned since. Though grass may be green it oft shifts by whim of the season both literal and of mind, here and there the blades may find themselves as such, whether for good or ill the only constant is change.

I once made a good adventure called 'The Golden Spoffit' on Spore, while also being an apparently skilled Lulu player in League of Legends in that games' heyday. It is assured for the reader, after a personal contemporary assessment of my LoL skills, they seemed to have vanished most inexplicably or perhaps I was always bad after all - it doesn't matter now.

Whether your life is here in the virtual realm or on the grass, worry not your course for you are master of your own ship and it will go wherever it does, just as it brought you to this forgotten corner of the internet (my profile) you have the will to take it to places both marvelous and horrible - that is the choice.

Kind regards, from one internet stranger to another.
Currently Offline
Heretic Burger Jun 7, 2023 @ 2:19pm 
Hmm you don't look as cheerful as you used to.
u want anyfing from macdondald? Mar 1, 2023 @ 3:41pm 
Heretic Burger Dec 2, 2022 @ 7:52am 