Peliaika viimeisen 2 viikon aikana:

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9/9 (100%) saavutuksista avattu:
Henkilökohtaiset saavutukset


McSkin died in a pool of melted cheese
Avattu 24.4.2020 klo 7.42

Skeletal Collapse

Bones died for the first time
Avattu 24.4.2020 klo 7.41


Completed the first level
Avattu 24.4.2020 klo 7.37

Cooperative Gliding

Performed the parachute interaction for the first time
Avattu 24.4.2020 klo 7.49

Welcome To Triplot!

Launched the game for the first time
Avattu 24.4.2020 klo 7.35

Cheese Ahoy

A block of cheese fell on top of and killed Bones
Avattu 24.4.2020 klo 7.41

Give Me a Hand

Performed the bonemerang interaction for the first time
Avattu 24.4.2020 klo 7.43

Give Me a Boost

Performed the ladder interaction for the first time
Avattu 24.4.2020 klo 7.39

Philly Cheese Steak

Meaty died in a pool of melted cheese
Avattu 24.4.2020 klo 7.41