Spielzeit letzte 2 Wochen:

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0 of 13 (0%) Errungenschaften erreicht::

Persönliche Errungenschaften

Streets Ahead!

Clear 100 columns

You're Hired!

Clear a column with a total value of 50+

You're Fired!

Clear a building with a value of -8

Sense of Achievement

Get 3 stars on all campaign levels

You did good, kid

Get 2 stars on all campaign levels

Tourist Magnet

Build 20 landmarks

One Day At A Time

Unlock your first card

Key To The City

Unlock all cards


Clear a building with a value of 50+


Create 100,000 jobs

Homes For All!

House 25,000 people


Clear a building with a value of 99

Come At Me

Play versus mode for the first time