Speeltijd afgelopen 2 weken:

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9 van de 28 (32%) prestaties behaald:
Persoonlijke prestaties


Complete the tutorial in annoying mode.
Ontgrendeld op 8 jul 2021 om 2:38


Complete the story one.
Ontgrendeld op 7 jul 2021 om 1:57

Flip off!

Flip off while not in tutorial.
Ontgrendeld op 6 jul 2021 om 3:19


Find fish secret.
Ontgrendeld op 8 jul 2021 om 2:41

Bear Hands

Complete first story level shotgun altar arena using only your bare hands as a weapon.
Ontgrendeld op 8 jul 2021 om 2:44

It’s all bloody bloody!

Kill 500 creeps.
Ontgrendeld op 7 jul 2021 om 1:42


Kill 1000 creeps.
Ontgrendeld op 7 jul 2021 om 1:53

Where did the land go?

Fall off the game map.
Ontgrendeld op 7 jul 2021 om 2:04

Free Candy!

Enter free candy van
Ontgrendeld op 7 jul 2021 om 1:58


Shoot a cannon ball through a doughnut's hole.

Can it get any worse?

Complete the story two.

Hot Sauce Broccoli

Complete the hell story.

Can’t Touch This

Kill a Chilli Bomber with bare hands.

Toasty Éclair

Kill flying ice cream monster using the Toaster.

Locked & Loaded

Upgrade all the weapons to the max.


Avoid being damaged in arena for two minutes.


Survive any arena mode for more than 5 minutes.

I hate them creeps!

Kill 10000 creeps.
4,175 / 10,000

Fart denial

Kill Diarrhio when its about to fart.

Hell’s Capitalist!

Fill your purse with 1000 coins.
415 / 1,000

Got meat?

Kill 10 creeps with single cannonball.

It’s peanut butter jelly time!

Get owned by a banana.

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