Meylin Libertas Messor
My name is Meylin Libertas Messor. Read the Info Box for important information regarding me + regarding Friending Me.
Currently Online
Important Info About Me:
Quick note for Friending Me:
#1, If you don't leave a Comment as to WHY, I will not accept.
#2, if you attempt to say I've scammed you in the past and try to get stuff out of me? I've never traded in CS-GO, and I haven't traded in Tf2 for Over 5 Almost 6 Years. And Haven't even PLAYED TF2 for almost a Year. You try to friend me for this reason = Block. End of Story.
#3, No Links or some such in the Comments or via Chat. Doing so = Block.

With that out of the way, time to explain some things about myself.

#1, I'm a Woman, and I DO NOT like being called: 'Dude, Guy, Bro,' and similar such things. 'Guys' when referencing a group I'm in also bothers me. It's a mental quirk I have thanks to experiences over the internet, along with that: I'm 23, Pansexual, and I happen to also be a Furry + Pegasister. And am Atheist. Also: I'm not Racist Nor Sexist. I hate Everyone Equally. IE: Doesn't matter what you are to me, what matters is WHO you are.

Quote 'Do Unto others as you wish others to do unto you' IE: Be nice to me, I'm nice to you, be rude to me, and I'm a b!tch to you. Ect. 'Long and short of it.

What I happen to like includes: Firearms, Hunting, Fishing, Knives/Swords/ect, Writing, Poetry, Art, Animation, Music, Actually Nice People ( not faking arseholes. ), Science, video games ( Obviously ), and a fair few other things.

What I Dislike / Despise / Hate Includes: Idealism, Utopianism, Sexism ( For any gender. ), Racism ( For Any Race ), Religion ( I consider it a method of Control. I'm a woman of Freedom. Don't bother me or others with it, or act as if you're better due to being religious, and I won't care much. ), Selfish People, And people I consider to be Idiots.

Regarding the 7 sins: I Despise Pride the Most, with Gluttony and Greed being next in line, Envy I dislike, Sloth = Long as you aren't lazy in bad ways I don't care, Wrath is something I understand, and Lust is my Main Sin.

#2.1: To Explain, what I consider to be 'Stupid' or 'Idiotic' happens to include but is NOT limited to:
1, People who lack common sense, and don't use Actual Logic in their thought process.
2, Those who cling to their old views even when they're shown to be Wrong, or it's factually proven to BE wrong.
3, Those who want to destroy the past / memories of it. Why? Simple: 'Those who forget history are condemned to repeat it.' The past taught us. If we forget / remove that history, we'll make the same mistakes we did in the past.
4, People who cannot reason / talk out issues, and go straight to rioting or Violence. ( However, someone does something bad enough in my opinion? Them + Fist + Face = Deserved. Or worse, depending on the crime / what they've done. )
5, People who want full control over everyone Else + People who want others to obey and listen to them without questioning them or their reasons.
6, People who have the belief of 'If you aren't with us, you're against us!' IE: Either fully agree with them, or they call you evil, a bigot, or some such.
7, People who attempt to force their views on others or restrict other's freedom in ways that it DOESN'T need to be restricted. ( Most firearm laws in the US fit for this. )
8, People who have zero desire to learn.
9, People who attempt to fight change that is better overall because it isn't of their views.
10, People who hate others for pathetic reasons, or those who think they're better than others for some stupid reason or another. ( Example: Such a thing as being proud of being smart, but thinking you're smarter than everyone else in every regard? Utterly Foolish. Remember this phrase 'I'm wise enough to admit I know nothing, for there is always more to learn.'
11, Narcissists. Plain and Simple.
Rarest Achievement Showcase
BoLoSoGo Dec 26, 2022 @ 4:01pm 
+Rep, great tf2 teammate
Mechanical Menace Jun 3, 2021 @ 9:32pm 
Adding to see if your voices from below heavy music is for sale
Nightmint Jun 22, 2018 @ 11:28pm 
+++REP because we're friends
Classic™ Apr 24, 2015 @ 10:20pm 
+rep patient trader
Chronete Apr 23, 2015 @ 12:17am 
+rep gud trader(i guess :P)
Geronimo Apr 20, 2015 @ 5:30am 
Friendly, trusted, respectable, and a very good trader!