Speeltijd afgelopen 2 weken:

Algemene prestatiestatistieken weergeven
Je moet zijn aangemeld om deze statistieken met die van jezelf te vergelijken
13 van de 32 (41%) prestaties behaald:
Persoonlijke prestaties

First Blood

Killed the first enemy
Ontgrendeld op 28 feb 2020 om 8:21

Fired Up

Killed 20 enemies
Ontgrendeld op 28 feb 2020 om 8:26

Danger Dwarf

Killed 100 enemies
Ontgrendeld op 28 feb 2020 om 8:42

Mean Machine

Killed 300 enemies
Ontgrendeld op 19 mrt 2020 om 8:17

Double Trouble

One of your bombs Exploded Another
Ontgrendeld op 28 feb 2020 om 8:28

Chain Reaction

Three of your bombs exploded in a chain
Ontgrendeld op 20 mei 2020 om 7:31


Kill an enemy charging at you
Ontgrendeld op 28 feb 2020 om 8:28

Adept Baiter

Kill 10 enemies charging at you
Ontgrendeld op 28 feb 2020 om 8:48

Tripple Kill

Kill 3 enemies with one explosion
Ontgrendeld op 28 feb 2020 om 8:40

Multi Kill

Kill 4 enemies with one explosion
Ontgrendeld op 28 feb 2020 om 8:40

Defeat The Beastmaster

Defeat The Beastmaster
Ontgrendeld op 19 mrt 2020 om 7:41

Defeat The Soul Apparition

Defeat The Soul Apparition
Ontgrendeld op 20 mei 2020 om 7:41

Defeat The Resolute Servant

Defeat The Resolute Servant
Ontgrendeld op 28 feb 2020 om 8:29

Blast Wave

Four of your bombs exploded in a chain

Master Baiter

Kill 30 enemies charging at you

Mega Kill

Kill 5 enemies with one explosion


Kill 6 enemies with one explosion


Kill 7 enemies with one explosion

Ranged Battle

Kill an enemy with punched bomb


Kill 20 enemies with punched bombs

What a Snipe

Kill a boss with punched bomb


Dash 200 times

Defeat The Bloodseeker

Defeat The Bloodseeker

Defeat The Fallen Guardian

Defeat The Fallen Guardian

Defeat The Broodmother

Defeat The Broodmother

Defeat The Forgotten One

Defeat The Forgotten One

Defeat The Soul Guardians

Defeat The Soul Guardians

Defeat The Artificial Mind

Defeat The Artificial Mind

Beloved Fan

Complete the Early Access Storyline

Bombing Pro

Killed 100 enemies without dying


Killed 300 enemies without dying


Kill 3 bosses without dying