the world is not as it seem. take notice of it.
Source feed error; decrypt anyway ?(Y/N)_

*all you need to change the world, is a good lie and a river of blood.*

''Panpsychism might also solve a complementary problem: the hard problem of matter. Philosophers such as Hedda Mørch and Philip Goff argue that physics describes what material objects do, but not what they are—their intrinsic nature. Subjective experience might plug that gap, because it is intrinsic. There is something about scents and screeches that is impossible to grasp by reference to anything else; it must be experienced directly. By this argument, everything in the world has phenomenal as well as material qualities.

several of today’s leading theories of consciousness imply panpsychism. One of the most popular, Integrated Information Theory, takes our psychological unity as its starting point. Our sensations form a seamless whole, and brain activity reflects this coherence. When people are awake or dreaming, their neurons fire in a coordinated way; when in deep sleep or a coma, neural activity is fragmented. The theory surmises that an information processing system is conscious to the extent that its parts act in harmony. Anything with parts—which is to say, anything beyond a structureless elementary particle—has the potential to be conscious by this theory. Another line of thinking, based on the free-energy principle put forward by neuroscientist Karl Friston, observes that any self-sustaining structure has to maintain its boundary against external insults, which requires an internal model of the world. That is a core feature of mind.

Whether or not you buy these arguments, and many don’t, you can foresee two types of artificial panpsychism. If it’s true that mind cannot emerge from mindless atoms and must be a new fundamental ingredient of nature, you can imagine mind engineering: assembling components not to perform some function, but to achieve some type of experience. And if not—if we can make minds out of mindless atoms after all—then artificial panpsychism is a straightforward extension of present technology.

Neuroscientists have some evidence for the latter. Consciousness seems to be a specific cognitive function performed by identifiable brain mechanisms that not all species possess. There was an evolutionary rationale for it to develop; it needn’t have been built in from the start. When experimental subjects become consciously aware of something, certain brain areas change in activity; people who exhibit conscious awareness are able to reason across gaps in time, follow complicated directions, and imagine things that have never existed. When they perform tasks without conscious awareness, as if on autopilot, they are limited to reacting to what is in front of them. Consciousness also helps us socially. We are always trying to fathom other people’s thoughts and motivations, and self-awareness may emerge as we turn this ability on ourselves. Other mammals possess these same brain areas and show analogous behavior.

So, consciousness helps us navigate a complex world. And if consciousness helps us, it could help robots and computers, too, giving engineers a practical reason to design it into their systems. Out of philosophical caution, we might still question whether these systems are conscious. That is perhaps unknowable. But if they act as if they are, people will treat them as such. Thus we have both elements of panpsychism. Engineers have achieved the “pan”—they have embedded computers everywhere—and are working on the “psychic.” Mind dust, meet smart dust.

When debating panpsychism, the question is not whether, but when. Either the world already is panpsychic or it will be. ''
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He doesn’t think of the state abstractly. In a striking image in the fourth-pillar edict, officials of state are described as the clinical and parental face of an administration with which one can strike up a relationship – as one would with an intelligent nurse. Elsewhere, the state is said to exist for the sake of its subjects. The asymmetry inherent in the relationship of ruler and ruled is now conceived to indicate a debt owed by the sovereign to his people. People are said to be bound to the king as children are to a parent.
the New year is like a bad memory, an insurance fee, a recuring nightmare. it alway come back at some point. distracting you. can't be touched, seen, smelt or heard. a shadow of the past, a touch of the hopes of a bigone era. its a poison of nostalgia. a prison of the mind. a cousin of the little death of the soul. the distanciation of the mind from the present. just another way to flee from one's responsibility. pain for the spirit, parodied as a renewall and sheldom speaken of for fear of breaking the common taboo of the un-scientifical dialogue. and even then, done so in hushed tone.
error; unknow command. decryption failure. please proceed manualy.
54 68 65 20 70 6f 77 65 72 20 74 6f 20 63 61 75 73 65 20 70 61 69 6e 20 69 73 20 74 68 65 20 6f 6e 6c 79 20 70 6f 77 65 72 20 74 68 61 74 20 6d 61 74 74 65 72 73 2e 0a 0a 54 68 65 20 70 6f 77 65 72 20 74 6f 20 6b 69 6c 6c 20 61 6e 64 20 64 65 73 74 72 6f 79 2e 0a 0a 42 65 63 61 75 73 65 20 69 66 20 79 6f 75 20 63 61 6e 27 74 20 6b 69 6c 6c 2c 20 74 68 65 6e 20 79 6f 75 20 61 72 65 20 61 6c 77 61 79 73 20 73 75 62 6a 65 63 74 20 74 6f 20 74 68 6f 73 65 20 77 68 6f 20 63 61 6e 2e 0a 0a 41 6e 64 20 6e 6f 74 68 69 6e 67 20 61 6e 64 20 6e 6f 20 6f 6e 65 20 77 69 6c 6c 20 65 76 65 72 20 73 61 76 65 20 79 6f 75 2e
"and after the end of all things there is yet worst to come and you will know this and you will know ruins. for where you are going after death. there is yet more pain. there is yet more ruins. there is yet more failure. there is yet more blood and more flesh and more fire and more misery. your world has already fallen though you know it not. the last chance has faded long ago and your actions where too little, too late. this is why others try to save you from other dimensions. away from your evil misdeeds. salvation would be an immense miracle. truly stunning. yet the odds remain great against you. for the wars that matter are invisible and unheard and untouched."
"“Everyone, it has been some of the greatest moments of my life,” said Halo 3 player Xxminiman15xX. “I’m very, very sad to see this end. But, it’s not an end, because we will always have our memories. We’ll always have our moments. And… we can still play on the Master Chief Collection.”

After that they capped the flag, the match ended and shortly after that, the servers began shutting down. Players across Reddit and YouTube shared videos of the moments right as the servers gave up the ghost. Other players took screenshots of the matchmaking screen from Halo 3. Normally the globe seen in the bottom left-hand corner of the map would be lit up representing the various players around the world. But with the servers officially dead, for the first time since Halo 3 was released in 2007, all the lights were gone. The world was covered in darkness. It was over." [Zack Zwiezen 18 JANUARY 2022]
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Today, yet again, i have slain a knight from another land. "Say the demon lord, as a tear of blood stain his face."
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listen to others, you'll see, they tell on themselve about the darkest crap they do.
So it might not be so wrong to take it literally after all. “Maybe life begins the moment we know we don’t have one,” one character thinks in Hervé Le Tellier’s The Anomaly. It’s a popular French novel (L’Anomalie) about people living in a possibly simulated world, and it came out—but of course—during the pandemic. The point of the book, I think, is the same as Chalmers’: to make the case not only that one can live meaningfully in a simulated world, but that one should. That one must. Because maybe goodness is what keeps the simulation going. Maybe goodness, and the spark and serendipity that comes of it, is what keeps the simulators interested. For at the end of The Anomaly, the opposite happens. Someone ignores the possibility for hope, and gives into badness, into base inhumanity. The result is the scariest thing imaginable. Someone, somewhere, in whatever dimension is not our own, turns the simulation off.
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Imagine a world where everyone is equal and everybody tell the truth.
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I worked the exact same job, through the exact same company for the better part of 5 years that my father worked. In a year or two, he was able to buy a home back in the mid 70s with just his income. I couldn't even afford rent and groceries in a one bedroom. He was always making comments like "You've got to manage your money better!"
So I brought him my paycheck, and bills, and asked him to help me budget. He never again made comments like that, after seeing the reality in paperwork. He kept shaking his head and saying "Somethings not right with this"
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God created light and darkness. Translation: The simulator created 1s and 0s.
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''These stories of mine collected here do not pretend to deal with possible things; they are exercises of the imagination in a quite different field. They belong to a class of writing which includes the Golden Ass of Apileius, the True Histories of Lucian, Peter Schlemil and the story of Frankenstein. It includes too some admirable inventions by Mr. David Garnett, Lady into Fox for instance. They are all fantasies; they do not aim to project a serious possibility; they aim indeed only at the same amount of conviction as one gets in a good gripping dream.,,
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When I last saw the legendary Commissar ♥♥♥♥♥♥ I was shocked by how calm and humbled he had become. It's extremely rare for any one soldier in the Astra Militarum to reach retirement, even more so to stay retired, and, in ♥♥♥♥♥♥'s case, pass away peacefully.

Perhaps it was the end of the Angry Marines Chapter that humbled him. But there was probably no more fitting end for them than to go out in a Blaze of Glory, figuratively and literally, insulting every last living soul along the way. They were all supposedly under my command, but I made no attempt at establishing myself as their commander. To them, ♥♥♥♥♥♥ was their leader in battle; I was just the Inquisitor who commanded the fleet. But I admired them all. They were the last surviving loyalist remnants of the World Eaters, and many of them joked that their chapter's end would come when they brought their fallen brethren and their cursed Primarch down with them. Now, with their numbers almost eradicated and under the command of a Commissar almost as brazen as ♥♥♥♥♥♥, they would make their earth-shattering last stand against the forces of Nurgle, led by one of his Great Unclean Ones.

They knew that they must win, even at the cost of their lives and their chapter. But they never cared. They still went out like the mad lads they were, and it's thanks to them that the Imperium of Man can breathe easier.

As for Commissar ♥♥♥♥♥♥, like I said, he had retired before this battle, but he had not been completely humbled until news spread of the Angry Marines' Last Stand. Now having reached his 160th birthday, ♥♥♥♥♥♥ smiled. For the first time, the man who used to shoot Guardsmen for no apparent reason now cracked a warm smile, and poured one out for his old Chapter.

The Pretty Marines Chapter, remnants of the Emperor's Children and rivals to the Angry Marines, would honor their old comrades by erecting a stained glass window depicting the Angry Marines' Last Stand aboard the second battle barge, and would carry on the banner of the Angry Marines until they met their own demise, ironically enough against the Emperor's Children, wiping out nearly the entire Traitor Legion and once again wounding the body and pride of Fulgrim.

Today, we stand here to honor the Angry Marines, and to their most famous Commissar, with a 21 Earthshaker Salute. May their story, and their defiant spirit live on.
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I would pay for premium by now if they only give me the real ads instead of "Is this ads interrupting your playlist? try youtube premium." ♥♥♥♥ that. it's straight up creating problem to make you pay them money. it's like you trip over something on a sidewalk, break your leg, look back and found out you tripped over the sign saying "looking for medical treatment? our hospital is 300m away".
FJA Dec 24, 2022 @ 11:36am 
Merry christmas brother from another mother lol
FJA Oct 19, 2021 @ 6:42pm 
Rock and Stone