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发布于:2016 年 5 月 16 日 上午 9:11
更新于:2016 年 5 月 16 日 上午 9:12

It's been a few days after I finished Fran Bow and I'm still thinking about this game - this story will stick with you and keep you wondering long after you've put it down. I played this game in a marathon play through. It took me about 9 hours to complete and I did end up having to look at a walkthrough twice for answers on what to do next.

Fran Bow begins in a mental asylum, but Fran's adventures go far beyond that. The whole time you may be thinking "is it all in her head, or is this really happening?". The story is completely enthralling and the gameplay stands up to it. It is a fairly simple point and click adventure horror game but the story and visuals are beautiful (although at times, extremely gruesome and disturbing).

I highly recommend this game for fans of the horror adventure genre and anyone who is interested in the complexities of mental illness.
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